'Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.'
⁃ Oscar Wilde
The first and only New Moon in 2024 that is happening in the same sign as transiting Pluto - the planet of deep transformation through death and rebirth. After last weeks of Pluto closing some chapter in our life while being at final degrees Capricorn (old), today we can use the energy to manifest the new with future-oriented Aquarius (new). The key with Aquarius is to follow your own unique path and honour your authenticity even if some people will reject you for that. This New Moon wants you to be who you truly are and not let others influence your life choices. Dare to be yourself and let go of the illusion that there is someone you should be, or there is something you should do only because the crowd is doing that.
New Moon is about introversion and deep calm reflection. Go within, in solitude, disappear from the world for a while just like the Moon does today, detach yourself from other’s noise, judgment, opinions… and ask yourself HOW DO YOU WANT TO LIVE YOUR LIFE in this new Aquarian transformative times? Remember that Pluto will be empowering people who dare to be themselves and shine their unique light in order to contribute with their gifts to the society. Today you can manifest your new life in which you will not follow anymore what others expects you to be but you will stay loyal to your own values.
Let’s dive deeper into this particular New Moon:

Your Aquarius energy calls for new chapters, changes, innovation, and first of all - for living your life according to your own rules and values no matter how weird they might be for others! This life is yours so own it and liberate yourself from judgment of people which are not meant to be your tribe anyways as your energies does not match.
Chiron in Aries (wound of self) conjunct North Node all February is adding more healing of your identity to this process. We are healing complexes, lack of courage and the feeling that there is something wrong with us once we compare ourselves to others. If you want to tap more into the Chiron healing process, you can see my guidance about that on my blog.
At the same time, this New Moon inspires us to reflect how we can contribute to the society with our energy talents and unique gifts. How you can make this world a better place? With Uranus in Taurus, for many of you it will be related to your profession and the need to work not just for money, but feeling like your job has a meaning, mission, allows you to develop your special talents and represents your core values.
This process started in 2020 when Saturn and Jupiter started new cycle in Aquarius, meeting at 0 degree. That year was a big awakening time for many people, who, closed at homes and paralysed by the world situation, had finally time to slow down, self-reflect and re-evaluate their lives. Many people have already found new professional paths since then. If you are still searching, this New Moon and February astrology can help you to break free from the old system and make a revolution in your life.
Talking about 2020:

Keep in mind that Pluto in Aquarius can in shadow manifest as more control of society. Every decision of yours can support more freedom or more slavery - be mindful.
Under these strong Aquarius energies, we are also asked to stay rebellious and protest when human rights are ignored and the system is pressing and controlling humanity like it happened in 2020/21 with Saturn in Aquarius.. This New Moon may start a big way of protests especially regarding agriculture and economy (Uranus in Taurus) and, fun fact - exactly today on the New Moon in rebellious Aquarius farmers in Poland started general strike, joining other european protesters that are fighting for equality, rights and for the future of us all. Remember - no farmers, no food - just bugs served by Klaus Schwab. No thanks.

"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.”- Martin Luther King Jr.
All February looks like a one huge rebellion and you can use it in your personal story to open up new revolutionary chapters too! The completion and possible fruits growing from today’s New Moon seeds can be observed during the next Full Moon in Aquarius 27 degrees on Aug 19th. Save this date for later! Set positive intentions and may the Full Moon bring you fruits of freedom this Summer!
For personal insights about this New Moon, see where in your chart is:
AQUARIUS 20° (New Moon / here we plan new seeds of freedom)
TAURUS 19° (here Uranus is now activating change and revolution)
See the meaning of these houses. You can do it on my blog: HOUSES
On this New Moon there is a square between these 2 areas of your life now. Squares trigger action and may bring internal or external conflict/tension which forces you to act. We can feel restless, excitement, nervous. There is a pressure to change, rebel, fight for your rights to be yourself and honouring your individual nature despite others opinions.
Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is now in Taurus making changes in this area of our life since 2018. Uranus is triggering this New Moon to remind us that before we can jump into the new, there is a need to leave the old comfort zone, liberate yourself from outdated patters, attachments, fears of the unknown and open up to new paths which are innovative, exciting, progressive and aligned with your true values!
We can use this New Moon energy to manifest new, better future and more authenticity and equality in our life. This New Moon wants you to feel more free and this can be related to your finances, relationships, possessions, job, family… depends on your transit chart!
Connecting the dots between your Taurus and Aquarius houses will show you where there is a need for this revolution in your life.
"Freedom begins the moment you realize someone else has been writing your story and it's time you took the pen from his hand and started writing it yourself. " - Bill Moyers
To understand better this cycle, come back to the Full Moon in Leo 2 weeks ago on Jan 25th. Leo is the opposite sign to Aquarius teaching us to be the boss of our life, shine our unique light, be creative and expressive and demand respect from others. What that Full Moon exposed for you? Who or what is still dimming your light? What needs to end so you can be who you truly are and crete your life in alignment with yourself, not with expectations of others? What chains needs to be broken so you can come closer to your big visions and dreams? These chains can be external or internal - remember that often we dim our own light with our mindset, complexes and unsupportive beliefs. Here, again, going through healing with NN and Chiron conjunction in Aries can help you a lot so you can become your true cheerleader and express your true nature without any blockages of low self-esteem.
To dig even deeper into this New Moon potential, remind yourself your processes in Summer 2023 with Venus retrograde in Leo. That was the time of reevaluating your Leo-Aquarius axis. That was the time of possible drama and conflicts with people so we could realise who is our true tribe and who is not our real friend (Aquarius). We could see who is not accepting our uniqueness, not appreciating our efforts and not respecting us and yes that could hurt a lot (Leo wound) but it also helped you to make some selection in your community and work with your toxic patters that keeps you stuck in unhealthy relationships. That was all to remove unauthentic connections from your life as Aquarius is about AUTHENTICITY. Choose your tribe wisely from now on!

Full Moon in Leo on Jan 25 could bring some culmination or illuminating understanding of that process from Summer 2023 but if there is still something left that is not serving your growth, stealing your joy, dimming your creativity and blocking you from shining your light fully, today’s New Moon squared by awakening Uranus can bring you this ultimate aha-moment of what needs to end so you can build a future which is better than your past.
"Freedom lies in being bold."- Robert Frost
Are you still holding on to some past patterns? Are you still resisting to open up to this new world that Pluto in Aquarius is activating for the whole collective? Are you still hoping the old will be back? Are you so afraid of making the change that you prefer to keep being unhappy in your unhealthy, but at least known situation? Are you afraid what others will say? Are you scared you will be rejected? If so… Uranus may shake you up and awake your mind to new possibilities during those days! When I see the chart of this New Moon I hear the Bon Jovi song:
“I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud
It's my life, it's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life”
That’s the spirit of this New Moon!
This New Moon is a perfect day to shift your mindset from the old ways to the new ones. Aquarius is about change and progress. The era of capitalistic and traditional Capricorn is ending this year with Pluto culminating this cycle this autumn. Say goodbye to the previous chapters and plant new intentions and manifestations that are focused on the NEW.
What seeds you can plant today so you can be more free in the future?
“Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose - and commit myself to - what is best for me.”
If you want to use the highly transformative potential of February to heal and find your true authentic self, I invite you for a personal session! OFFER
Jolanta, Soulight Space
Astrology in depth
All 2024 explained in one place: WEBINAR 2024. Welcome!