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How Natal Chart can change your life?

Writer's picture: Jolanta - Soulight Space Jolanta - Soulight Space

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

By exploring your individual, unique map of life - NATAL CHART- you have the chance to finally fully understand why you face certain repeating problems. Once you make unconscious conscious, as Carl Jung said, you get more clarity and are able to make a change by practicing inner work. Astrology can help you to overcome obstacles, tensions, problems and it is a very efficient way to self-develop and become the best version of yourself. Astrology show both shadow and bright parts of your personality and life, so you can work with your weak points in a more conscious way, as well as focus on your strengths and make them even stronger!

"In life, we can have patterns of behavior that repeat themselves," says astrologer and intuitive healer Rachel Lang. "For example, how many times have you attracted the same type of partner and experienced the same set of issues in a relationship? Or maybe you have hard-wired commitment fears, but you consciously know you want a relationship. Maybe you find yourself repeatedly going into debt and then paying it off only to go back into debt again, no matter how much you want to be debt-free."

Discovering your Natal Chart and working on yourself by using the knowledge from your Astro Map of Potentials may be a crucial point in your life journey when you finally start breaking these limiting, unhealthy patterns.

Natal Chart is like a ticket to a new dimension, in which you get more clarity about who you really are and why certain things keep happening in your life. You get your power back and can do the inner work with more awareness, being guided by your personal cosmic Map.

Testimonial by astrologer Ambi Kavanagh about his Natal Chart exploration:

„My journey was understanding my natal chart, and then remedying challenging aspects by diving into my psyche and subconscious patterns and behaviors.Learning how to work with these natal aspects and transits has allowed me to heal parts of myself and my life. When you notice a pattern repeating in your life, find out which planets are involved. You must understand the nature of the challenge in order to find a remedy and ‘cure’ it. So, for example, if you have a tense aspect between your moon and Saturn, which can lead to negative thoughts, you might not be expressing or owning your emotions properly, stifling them, and being emotionally suppressed in certain life areas. Once you understand this, you can take practical action to combat it. Almost every chart is a mixture of challenging and harmonious aspects, a mix of good and bad. But in truth, astrological remediation teaches that there's no good or bad. There's simply what you as an individual choose to do with the information.”

So, are you ready to finally, really, deeply get to know this person you see every day in the mirror and align truly with your essence?

Jolanta, Soulight Space

Psychological Astrology & Intuitive Tarot

Example of a Natal Chart


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