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Writer's picture: Jolanta - Soulight Space Jolanta - Soulight Space

Heal you heart from fear and pain. Find the courage to be who you truly are.


💥Eclipse Season is the most intense time of the year. Many people fear this period, but please keep in mind, that the Karmic Nodes and Eclipses in Libra-Aries are ultimately here to bring more HARMONY, BEAUTY AND LOVE (Libra) into our lives. The thing is that, the path towards this upgrade is by RELEASING unsupportive elements of our life (South Node in Libra) especially in RELATIONSHIPS which Libra rules.

✨️Many beautiful New Beginnings will happen with the Eclipse on April 8 but they require HEALING first. HONEST HEALING. Chiron conjoin this Eclipse exactly TO THE DEGREE! Wow! Healing is right in the heart of this New Moon Eclipse. Do we need any more clear sign?

🩷💔❤️Karmic South Node in Libra is pushing us to let go of the past, of old heartbreaks, of unhealthy patterns in partnerships. Some of you will literally break up, or have a confrontation with another person. Toxic connections are not meant to survive this Eclipse time in the same shape and form. It’s either transformation or ending.

🗝We are closing karmic cycles in love, releasing our exes or friends, family members we lost… letting go of grudges… grieving… finding closure… finding peace by letting people go…

We are reflecting on our experiences with people. on how they shaped the way we see love, relationships, ourselves. Some of beliefs we still carry in our hearts are unhealthy and this Eclipse time is here to guide us towards recognition and healing of them.

✨️Most of us experience heartbreaks at some point in life but the pain, trust issues, low self esteem that such heartbreaks can cause do not have to shape our future. Eclipses this year are trying to transform your story into wisdom and turn your sorrow into gold. This is the portal of healing your wounded heart and prepare you for the new, beautiful chapter awaiting you. The key to open the door to those new magical stories is CHIRON. HEALING. Have you noticed that the symbol of Chiron looks like a KEY?🗝 There you go... That's the KEY OF THIS ECLIPSE SEASON.

🌸Many of you will be triggered and inspired to heal your childhood trauma during this Nodal cycle because usually the unhealed wounds from childhood are the reasons why our relationships do not work well.

🌱Karmic Nodes are making a square to Cancer-Capricorn axis - the parental axis in astrology. Some of you will be focusing on your Mother and Father relationship, on your Mother and Father wounds, on how your childhood energy is still affecting relationships as adult. You will be healing the generational trauma in you family in order to break the toxic cycle and initiate a new, more healthy one. Many people will start therapy with this Eclipse Season after realising that the process is not done yet…

♈️The baby of the zodiac, Aries, the first sign in astrology, and the next Eclipse in Aries, on April 8th, will be connected to the energy of CHIRON, the wounded healer. This Eclipse Season is all about healing our wounds of self (Aries) which affects our relations to everything else in our life. If you have troubles with low self-esteem, the feeling of “there is something wrong with me” or you feel afraid to stand for yourself, this Eclipse can really help you in your liberation.

🌓Eclipses comes in pairs. This time the process looks like this:

♎️Ending/ Realization on March 25

(SN Libra- let go)

♈️Beginning/Healing on April 8

(NN Aries - start)


Karmic reset to shake up our relationships and transform them.

🌸First we need to recognise our toxic traits which are often the result of our unresolved past and trauma (Eclipse on March 25 is illuminating what is not working in our relationships, pay attention) and then, on April 8, we will be committing to a NEW PATH OF MORE HEALTHY CONNECTIONS (Solar Eclipse = New Moon).

⚠️It’s not just about romantic partnerships!!!

Its about you relating to everything in your life, including yourself, your body, your health, food… money… business… art… your self-worth and self respect - or lack of it - is reflected in all areas of your life…

🤹‍♀️Love, friends, family, coworkers… in every connection in your life you are the 50 % of the story. Observe what patterns do you have and what do you bring to the relationship, how do you deal with confrontation and conflicts (Aries = Mars), how you react when others step on your boundaries, how do you feel when you need to initiate something and take action. Self-awareness is the first step of healing.

🧘‍♀️Every relationship starts with you. Use this potent energy of Eclipses to gain more self-awareness and commit to true, honest healing of your story. Keep in mind that you teach others how to treat you by showing them where is the boundary and what you do not tolerate. This Eclipse is here to empower you to be honest and direct about your needs and limits.

👩‍❤️‍👨Other people are our mirrors. Observe during this time what you can find out about yourself by interacting with others.

🪐This is a time of fated, karma energies at play so many things will happen out of our control because they are just meant to happen, you want it or not. But we can still go through the process with awareness and use whatever is going on for our self-development. We can go through the Eclipse Season in an active way, choose our reaction, take notes, take initiative.

♈️North Node in Aries will stay with us until January 2025. This is our collective guiding light to focus more on our own individual traits we bring into connections with others.

Because this all always starts with you. Chiron in Aries will be exposing our wounds, complexes, fears of taking initiative or conflict avoidance - we will see that during these Eclipses in order to overcome those issues and transform our partnerships.

⚠️This Eclipse will serve those of you who keep repeating same patterns, attract similar type of people or situations, feel guilty when they have to say “no” or struggle with the energy of fight and conflict. Passive aggressive pattern, conflict avoidance, repressing anger is something to look at during this time. How much anger is stored in your body because you are afraid to show it to others? Because you don’t want to make anybody upset to you suffer in silence and pretend everything is ok? Its time to break this patters and find the reason why you are doing it.

🪐If you want to grow with these Eclipses, do not run away from uncomfortable emotions and realisations. See your own limitations, confront your own fears and complexes.

♈️Mercury starts retrograde on April 8 so our mind will also be aligned with all that is needed for healing processes: revisiting the past, reconnecting with people, introspecting, self-reflecting, slowing down and re-viewing our decisions, words we said or actions we took… The planetary alignment is designed for a wonderful upgrade of how we use Aries and Libra energies! There is no coincidence here!

🌎Eclipses affect the whole collective so we will see this healing energy all around. People will be quitting addictions, changing diet and habits, becoming sober, healing anger issues, learning how to express their true feelings and releasing people pleasing.

🌋Once this accumulated anger will be released (it probably happened already under Eclipse in Libra this Monday) we can expect the energy of conflict being increased so be aware of the fact that things can be wild in the world now. I expect conflicts to a big theme of this Eclipses.

🥊But on the personal level, you can use it to gain more courage, healthy self-esteem, tap to your warrior spirit and leadership skills. You can realise how your early life experiences (Aries-baby) has shaped you and decide to work on them. With South Node in Libra, all that is outdated, toxic, unsupportive, needs to be released. This is the journey of self-love which will be the foundation of every beautiful love story in your love - of your love story with partner, friend, abundance, money, body, food and everything you wish for to be wonderful and healthy in your life... It all starts with you.

♈️♎️Find where is Libra - Aries axis in you chart to find our where exactly these Eclipses are happening in your life.

✅️You can see ECLIPSE CALCULATOR, HOUSES DESCRIPTION and the ECLIPSE GUIDANCE about this Eclipse on my blog.

✅️I also invite you to se CHIRON IN ARIES guidance.

All links below!


🧜‍♀️If you want to dive deep into your own natal chart or transits, my calendar is re-opened until March 30.


= all you need to know right now. Mix of birth chart & transits. Healing & new chapter opening up for you with these Eclipses. Soul Purpose in this life. And all that will scream from your chart for attention in this moment of your life.

🌟2 hours magical session

🌟Energy exchange 222€

🌟Booking only until March 30!

💗 Limited spots - only 1, maybe 2 spots left for the next week.

"Normal" readings offer is also available. You can book until the end of March 30.


🧿If my work helps you, you can also offer me a cup of tea via donation.

Thank you from the heart to all of you who supported me so far and all who will do it in the future <3

Jolanta, Soulight Space

Natal Chart & Transits readings

Astrology & Self-development



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