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Writer's picture: Jolanta - Soulight Space Jolanta - Soulight Space

Full Moon on steroids! One of the most intense periods in the whole 2024 is starting now.


This is one of the most intense moments in the whole year! Events are fated now. Observe signs, synchronicities, dreams. Observe what is entering and leaving. Surrender to the process and remember that we see and understand effects of Eclipses later in time. It will all make sense one day, trust the journey. Those days can be filled with anger, impatience, grieving over connections that didn’t work out, processing our dissapointment and facing our shadow side that is affecting our relationships. Be gentle with yourself and others during this Eclipse Season as we are in a deep healing period. 


This weekend can be very explosive, emotionally unstable, moody and that’s normal! We are facing a lot of difficult feelings: anger, aggression, maybe even hate, we face injustice, abuse, toxic patterns in relationships, we face our own illusions and magical thinking that brought us disappointments with people, we face the pain of conflicts in our life and in the world. Try not to run away from whatever this Eclipse brings to the table, but rather sit with your emotions and try to express them. With Full Moons, usually the intensity starts growing the most 3 days before and after the Full Moon culmination we start to feel more relieve. In terms of Eclipses though, the energy starts to be at play even 4 weeks before the eclipse, giving effects up to 6 months after. Get ready for fated transformation!


All personal planets in:

Libra Aries Cancer Capricorn 0-10 degrees.

Pisces around 12 degrees (Saturn conjunction).

Libra and Taurus rising (Venus-chart ruler)


Where is Libra 5 - Aries 5 axis in your chart? Any imbalance or hidden anger between these 2 houses will be exposed, while Saturn will be delivering karmic consequences and demanding responsibility. The Eclipse is in harmonious trine to Pluto in Aquarius. All that is not serving your unique gifts and freedom needs to be released. This Eclipse is redirecting you towards more authentic path! You can use ECLIPSE CALCULATOR to check where Eclipse fall in your horoscope and quickly consult HOUSES meaning on my blog. Both to be find under the link in the end of the article.

To connect the dots, return to the Eclipse New Moon in Libra in October 2023. That was a start of the process. This Eclipse will be illuminating your progress, completing something in your relationships or in whatever Libra rules in your horoscope. Results, consequences, fruits, culmination. Full Moon is ending, while New Moon in October was a beginning of a new chapter. 


This is a Full Moon Eclipse so emotions are on the edge and growing towards the peak on Sunday and Monday! I recommend you some physical activity to release tension, and lots of grounding through simple tasks, walking in nature, cleaning, cooking. Rest and listen to calming music as this weekend can be very draining. Drink your water and tae care of your diet as Full Moons are great for detox. 

It’s a time of heightened emotions and sensitivity. We can be chaotic, one minute angry, another minute sad and crying, and the next minute empowered and ready to fight. True rollercoaster. 


Saturn is in conjunction to this Eclipse ruler, Venus, so there is a promise of grounding, integrity and seriousness in all this chaos. Time to set clear rules with people and get serious about our dreams, mental health and artistic talents (Pisces). We will be realistic, thinking long term about love, art and creative projects. We will make practical steps to make our dreams come true. If you current situation is NOT WORKING, things can’t stay the same way with Saturn. Time for review, correction and concrete solutions! Conjunctions are a symbol of new path - learn with Saturn which patterns are not serving you and don’t repeat same karmic cycles in your new story. Focus on your Pisces house here. Jupiter and Uranus will be helping Venus to experience more expansion and liberation after this Eclipse.

Themes of Pisces to release: addictions, escapism, self sacrifice, illusions

Themes of Pisces to master: creativity, art, love, dreams, spirituality, mental health


Eclipse is happening on the Libra-Aries axis (Venus-Mars opposing, confronting each other), so it can bring to the light (Full Moon is illuminating) imbalance in relationships, injustice, repressed anger. During Full Moons we are charged with strong energies and with Mercury in Aries we can rather expect people to be expressive, direct, combative and blunt.


This Eclipse can bring conflict, separation, break ups. 

If you are in toxic connections that brings you more pain than peace, this Eclipse may show that, even destroy it or give you the courage to speak directly how you feel. Everything is karmic and fated under Eclipses so let go of whatever wants to go/needs to go… Don’t hold on things and people now. Let the energy do its job to redirect your life to a better space.


South Node is decreasing the energy of Libra, while the North Node is making Aries more strong, so his is not the most peaceful weekend. Rather more war than peace in our life and in the world. This eclipse is a culmination of the previous Eclipse New Moon in Libra in October 2023. Remember what started in the world back then? Observe Middle East area as this Eclipse will highlight conflicts there. Politically, the tension between countries may increase. Mars energy is stronger than Venus now. Autonomy over alliances, independence over teamwork, fight over mediations… 


Coming back to our personal life, on this Eclipse, charged with Aries energy, we will be expressing our frustrations and desires. We will be facing anger issues. We will be fighting for more harmony, justice and balance in our life (Aries - fight, Libra-harmony). We will be looking for more autonomy.


We will be healing our courage and wildly choosing ourselves with Aries Total Eclipse on April 8 (New Moon / new start), but before that, the release of Libra shadow is needed! Libra needs some karmic purification of all that is blocking your energy. Time to let go of complexes, toxic niceness and pleasing others instead of feeding your own needs and desires. Time to release the guilt you feel when you choose whats is right for you and others dislike that.


Libra, Pisces and Cancer placements can feel this karmic push towards more egocentrism strongly as these energies tends to have problem with Aries energy - healthy egoism, independence and warrior spirit. Placements in these signs, especially Mars and Venus, tends to be overused due to their natural kindness and the innate will to keep the peace between people at all cost. These signs often sacrifice their own needs and keep their anger hidden in order to avoid conflict and please others. Libra represents peace, Pisces unconditional love and Cancer empathy. These energies have a hard time fighting for themselves, expressing their anger, setting boundaries because it makes them feel bad. And when we feel bad about something we tend to repress it, avoid it, hide it. There might be so much unexpressed anger in those signs, poisoning them from the inside. 

This Eclipse will change that! 

Sun in Aries is inspiring Libra Moon to find balance between You versus Others. Aries brings a passionate warrior energy, the one that is not afraid to tell people what he truly thinks and wants. Aries is giving us fire, bravery and honesty.


On this Eclipse we will see all the injustice in our relationships - with partner, children, boss, family, friends, with yourself. We will see our own patterns that are not serving us. We will be healing codependence tendencies and becoming more autonomous.


As Mercury in Aires is in pre-shadow, the old anger we didn’t expressed and past issues we didn’t discussed/resolved may come back. Don’t be surprised if ex partners, lovers or old friends come back into your life during those weeks to karmically test your boundaries and give you the chance to proof how much self-respect you have learnt or just to give you perspective over how much you have evolved since that time. You can dream about people from past or reconnect with them energetically in order to reflect on your story and find deeper meanings of your connection. 


Every person is our teacher and has a purpose in our life.

Libra is teaching that everybody is mirroring something in us and you can use every meeting with the other as a lesson of self awareness, no matter how the connection unfolds. Make peace with your stories and focus on the teaching.


This weekend is also the time to process situations in which others stepped on your boundaries and you were too blocked or afraid to give them a proper feedback. It is safe to feel angry. Express it all and forgive yourself for not being able to fight for yourself. Every day is a chance to work on your limitations and it all start in mindset.


Mercury in Aires has the mindset of ME MYSELF and I. 

Warrior spirit. Leader. Independent fighter. 

Wit retrograde of this planet in April, we will have the chance to reflect on that side of us and re-learn our patterns.


With Eclipse and Saturn influencing Venus, this is the time to show people where is their place in your life and deliver karma (Saturn is in union with Venus - karma and partnerships united). With Saturn, you get what you give so give people back exactly what they are giving you. Be like Saturn. See people for who they really are, stop seeing the potential of who they could be if they only heal, learn, try, go on therapy… No no no. No more delusion of Pisces. It is what it is. Take it or leave it.

Don’t be afraid to set strong boundaries and distance yourself from those who keep delivering you disappointment and sadness. Saturn is here to make you more strict and selective. Give your effort and time (Saturn) only to what is truly worth it and is healthy for you. 


Journaling, writing honest letters (without sending), expressing your anger is what can help, especially if you are the one who resonates with the energy of feeling guilty when you are mad at someone and you repress difficult feelings in partnerships. 


This Full Moon and Eclipse is illuminating the shadow side of Libra energy that we shall work on letting go of for the next 6 months:

Examples of Libra shadow: 

being “too nice”

doormat for others

politically correct 


too agreeable 

people pleaser

keeping the peace at all cost

no boundaries

fear of being alone

too much compromise


We are releasing the good girl syndrome. We are letting go of others opinions and expectations. We are saying “yes” and “no” when we truly mean it. We are not living our life according to the visions of other people anymore. 

Time to learn to be more direct and treat people accordingly. Time to embrace all the emotions in you, including those that are far away from the energy of peace. Feeling anger is human and we shall not be rejecting this side of us, as all that you don’t express will stay in your subconscious and steal your life from the backstage of your psyche.

Because the paradox here is that, the more you repress anger, the less peace you feel inside. Externally, it may looks calm, but what is hidden under the carpet will resurface sooner or later, especially under Eclipse in Libra energy.


With South Node in Libra, it’s the time to heal our Libra vibration. The vibration of beauty, love, art, harmonious and gentle atmosphere. The energy of equality, diplomacy and justice. This energy can truly shine only when is supported by its opposition of Aries. We need to find balance between peace and confrontation. Between taking care about others and filling our own cup first. Between creating art and having the courage to show it to others. Between being kind and being bold. Between sweet love and fiery warrior. Between Venus and Mars… 

Wishing you an inspiring, transformative time under this Eclipse. Let the Universe eclipse out of your life all that is not serving you anymore. Surrender to this energy and let it clean up your life… There are new chapters starting for us in April. May this Eclipse prepare you for that. 

No more hiding your creativity behind your complexes, create and show it to others

No more waiting for others to join, go and do it alone

No more letting people disrespect you, you can be kind and still say no (or f*ck off)

No more hiding your wild, bold fire and passion, express what you truly want and feel

No more allowing others to steal your peace, show your boundaries without any guilt

No more overthinking over a decision, choose what sparks the fire in you and try

No more sacrificing yourself for others, fill your own cup first

No more repressing anger and avoiding confrontation, it is normal to get mad sometimes!

Start strong and may the Eclipse reshape your story the way its meant to be! May the Aries warrior spirit, passion and fire find you and help your Libra side find more balance and beauty in life!

If you find this post valuable, feel free to share it to help this space grow. You can also offer me a cup of tea if my work is serving you. Donation bottom is in the link below. Thank you for all you support! Stay blessed and healthy! 

Jolanta, Soulight Space

Where is Libra 5 - Aries 5 axis in your chart?  

To find it out, use this link 

Here you will find:

ECLIPSE CALCULATOR to check where Eclipse fall in your horoscope 

HOUSES to consult the meaning of your Libra - Aries houses

CHIRON IN ARIES guidance for this Eclipse Season

DONATION BOTTOM if you value my work if you wish to offer me a cup of warm tea 

Thank you for reading!

Best wishes!




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