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April 23: Full Moon in Scorpio square Pluto!

Writer's picture: Jolanta - Soulight Space Jolanta - Soulight Space

Updated: Apr 24, 2024

The most intense Full Moon in 2024! It can feel like another Eclipse! Expect deep feelings reaching the soul level. If you want to  release/ purge/ end something in your life, this is the best energy. Let go of all that does not belong to your value system anymore.

Deep, intense dates of transformation:

Apr 22 Sun squre Pluto 2 degree

Apr 23 Full Moon in Scorpio - Pluto square both Sun and Moon 

Apr 24 Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus and Jupiter

Most affected signs:





1-10 degrees, especially 2-4 degrees

Look where is that in you chart for deeper insights. See meaning of HOUSES

Scorpio Intensity. Self Portrait.

Pluto is now at 2 degree which is connected to Taurus, so there is a strong need to focus on VALUES, MATERIAL REALM, STABILITY, BODY, SELF WORTH, LOVE, MONEY, FOOD, PEACE. 


With that being said, I feel like this Full Moon is here to transform you and remove from your life all that is preventing you from reaching both MATERIAL (Taurus) and EMOTIONAL (Cancer) SAFETY and STABILITY. Pluto being in AQUARIUS at 2 degree has the goal of changing you in such way that you will BREAK FREE from old chains and OPEN UP to new perspectives.

(PLUTO=death & rebirth, transformation, release |Aquarius=authenticity, future |

2° = supreme power, wealth, abundance, owning something - I HAVE energy and that's my power - in Aquarius - power of freedom)

Knowing what is coming in the future, I feel like this might be the crucial moment for many to realize, that we need to become as independent from system as possible, align with like minded people, find our ways towards financial freedom and self-sufficiency in themes of resources, food, nature and all the things we need in order to feel safe and abundant in the future. POWER OF OWNING vs "You will own nothing and be happy" proposed by Agenda 2030 & Klaus Schwab.

We need to wake up and change NOW. Old ways of working, earning and investing money, eating, spending are soon to be outdated. Digitilization which always comes with danger of higher control from government, end of cash, even more modified food, geopolitical turbulences that may be very challenging for our access to resources... Time to prepare for that and make wise choices. That's why we need to change the way we used to live and align with what future has in store.

Knowledge is power, and just like we all had the choice in 2020/2021, so we will have to make our choices in the near future... inform yourself in advance and stay safe from oppressive system. If you don't know what I am talking about, have a look at this WAKE UP CALL FOR HUMANITY.

This is the first Full Moon in Scorpio that is NOT an Eclipse, but being square by Pluto, it might be just as intense as Eclipses are. We went through deep release of our Scorpio house in the last 2 years with Eclipses and South Node in Scorpio. This transit could bring many losses, dramatic endings, deep purging of old trauma and shadow work. If you were working deeply on your Scorpio energy in 2022/23, this Full Moon can bring you beautiful, soulful rewards. Feeling empowered, more healthy, pure, aligned and af peace. You can also be rewarded in financial matters as Scorpio rules that together with Taurus. Abundance as result if your deep self-work, healing unhealthy patterns & learning, especially in the last 6 months.

If your Scorpio energy still needs some transformation though, this Full Moon is a perfect time to go within, look gently at all your demons, fears and all the darkest parts of your soul. Scorpio is the Alchemist of the zodiac, turning even the most ugly things into gold of empowerment. If you feel negatively affected, use this energy to meet your demons, integrate them in your psyche and try to understand the source of them.

The more you work consciously with your dark side, the easier it gets to control it. Remember, we all have demons, you are not alone on this journey and there is no shame in not being perfect - nobody is and nobody will be. Allow yourself to be this beautiful human mess of lights and shadow and explore your inner world with self-respect and compassion.

This Full Moon can feel like FORCED letting go. April brought endings and beginning, and now we may be processing this all deeply, realising what parts of our life needs to stay in the past. It's natural to grieve, feel the sorrow of things ending and the fear of leaving the comfort zone, but the beauty of Scorpionic transformation will help you to go through this change with both depth and power. You will be reborn like a Phoenix Rising. Just let yourself feel all you need to feel for now. 

Pluto provides an intense, forced transformation through DEATH and REBIRTH on conscious (Sun) and subconscious level (Moon). This is a wonderful time to understand what in our life needs to end for good so we can build a brighter future filled with abundance, healthy habits, peaceful & natural energies, gratitude for being alive. Scorpio rules death and Taurus spring blossoming - just like in nature the old plants needs to fade away to make space for the new seeds, so we are now having the same process happenning. Nothing will be the same after this April, and it is all for your highest good even if for now you are afraid, stressed, confused with the changes that Eclipses activated. With time you will see that sometimes (always?) Universe knows better than us what we truly need to experience. Surrender to this metamorphosis and trust the process. Everything happens for a reason. All is good. Trust.

Face it all. Self Portrait

After a month of strong, karmic shake up that started on March 22, here we are now, knowing, that there is no way back to the life from 1 month ago. Just as I told you few weeks ago - nothing will be the same after this April and the process is still on. Now we can see that change is the only path forward and we need to adapt our energy to the next chapter that these Eclipses generated. And in order to do it, we need to go through the death of our old self first, so that the new version of us can be created. Pluto destroys without mercy - say goodbye to who you used to be before this fated, sudden catalyst of soul growth. 

This Full Moon is happening in your Taurus and Scorpio house. You can find Taurus/Scorpio at 2-4 degrees and consult the houses meaning HERE. Sun in Taurus represents our comfort zone, stability that our old patterns used to bring us, the sense of safety, steadiness, peace with no triggers. Moon in Scorpio on the other hand, is showing to Taurus Sun that stability was always an illusion and that true growth requires facing what scares you the most, doing things our of your comfort zone, facing your demons and trauma. Forceful destruction of the safe haven - now your ship needs to be set free and sail into the unknown waters.

It reminds me of 2020 vibes… Sudden shake up, ending of old era, new era still not on the horizon but we all know that something has ended for good and we need to create a new reality. Pluto in Aquarius, although domineering and intense, is here to help us align with the new era of Aquarius: times of freedom, authenticity, alignment. 2023-2044 is the period of us being strongly focused on living according to our true values and here you can use all the gifts of Eclipses in Scorpio-Taurus (2022-2023) that were showing you through fated losses and gains what are your true values, what do you want to have and what is not deserving your energy. Pluto knows what is not serving your freedom and authenticity and Uranus in Taurus knows what is not serving your peace and abundance of Venus. Let them destroy your safe haven, let them break all the chains and walls, let Jupiter expand you and fill you with faith and hope for the future. This is a wonderful planetary alignment that will help many of us finally leave old comfort and jump into new, exciting life chapters. 

New Horizons.. Self Portrait

This death and rebirth of self with Pluto is a follow up of all the extremely fated events that started in mid March. 

After Karmic Endings (March 22/25) charged with:

karmic, forced completions of the old ways

detoxifying your body and soul

ending toxic relationships/patterns 

setting boundaries / quitting addictions

facing reality in your Libra and Pisces house

ending people-pleasing and codependency tendencies

seeing people beyond magical illusions

releasing the need to be liked 

…and after fated New Beginning (April 8-10) which was charged with:

strong triggers of old wounds and trauma 

fated healing of complexes and insecurities 

blockages and delays in taking new action

facing reality in your Pisces/Aries house

seeing how your past wounds block you

tapping into your true identity

healing warrior spirit

… and after the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus *Apr 20-21) charged with:

expansion of perspective

awakening of the true self

liberation from old chains 

disruptive shocking realisations

both excitement and stress over the change

breakthroughs, aha moments

sudden growth and blessings

karmic rewards for past self-work

We are now integrating all that has happened, processing it on a soul level (Scorpio- the most penetrating sign), purging, grieving, expressing feelings. We are going through deep psychological death. Being now on a higher evolutionary level, we might be looking back and feeling sorry or ashamed of our old, past self that was so unhealed, blocked, allowing abuse, acting out of fears, insecurities and wounds, falling for toxic temptations or getting trapped in the shadow side of Scorpio: jealousy, manipulation, hate, grudge, revenge, obsession… Please forgive yourself for everything and remember that we are all here just learning…All your past versions has led you here. Be grateful for all the steps on your journey and honour your growth. 

Lights and Shadows. Self Portrait.

Wishing you a beautiful journey of feeling it all deeply, releasing what needs to be released, opening up to what deserves your openness, learning to trust in the  divine plan and surrendering to this intense, sudden, disturbing, yet also so liberating metamorphosis of April 2024. A month to remember for many. A month of finding who you truly are. Enjoy!

Jolanta, Soulight Space

Phoenix Rising. Self Portrait.

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If you wish to have a reading with me (1 hour or 2 hours session in depth) you can join my WAITING LIST.

If you want to reflect on karmic cycles that we were going through since March, I invite you to my You Tube new video where I explain how Venus and Mars, the rulers of Eclipses, were transforming in those weeks. You can see if dates of certain karmic transits are matching with event in your life. Welcome! YOU TUBE 

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