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Writer's picture: Jolanta - Soulight Space Jolanta - Soulight Space

2018 - 2027 Healing the wound of self, identity, courage & anger

This guidance is valid for every person until April 2027. It was sent to my subscribers as newsletter in Spring 2023 but in Autumn 2023 I decided to share this again on my blog for everybody as well as it might be very helpful during Aries-Libra nodal journey.

With Nodes and Eclipses in Aries/Libra axis July 2023 - January 2025 we will be pushed by karmic forces to awake our inner warrior and in order to do that properly we need to understand and heal our Aries wounds, blockages and shadows as well. Chiron and North Node are both in Aries until 2025 (Chiron will stay longer in this sign than the Node), meaning we have a very fated time of healing the wound of self now.

In this article you can learn how to work with this energy in your Natal Chart and use it in your self-healing.


  • Chiron in Aries: Quick overview

  • Benefits of healing Chiron in Aries

  • How to work with your Chart

  • Questions for healing self-work

  • Psychological transformation

  • Find the source of wound

  • Jupiter in Aries til May 16, 2023

Chiron in Aries: Quick overview

Chiron transit in Aries dates:

February 18, 2019, until April 14, 2027

CHIRON: wounded healer

ARIES: ruled by Mars - courage, identity, self-confidence, action, risk, direct moves and speech, drive, fight, stamina, libido, warrior, head, ego, independency, leadership, initiative, honesty

CHIRON + ARIES = wounded Aries energy. Blockage, complexes, trauma, no access to Aries power. Potential to understand the wound, heal and inspire other to do the same.

NATAL: Chiron in Aries in natal chart can mean having some of Aries traits hurt and if unhealed, there is no access to true self-confidence, independence and warrior energy.

TRANSIT: Chiron in Aries transit 2018-2027 can activate the wounded Aries energy in your “Aries house” to help you heal. Chiron in Aries transit is now triggering and healing Aries energy collectively.

Benefits of healing Chiron in Aries The wound of Chiron is not only a painful point but also the portal of power ad wisdom. If you face your wound and learn how to handle it / heal it - you will tap into the higher potential of what Aries gifts are all about. Healing Chiron in Aries brings you closer to be more ACTIVE, BRAVE, PASSIONATE, OPEN, HONEST, DIRECT, ENTHUSIASTIC, RISKY, SPONTANEOUS, OPTIMISTIC. Instead of hiding in your comfortable womb of self-doubt and the limiting mindset of “It will not work out anyways so there is not point to even try” - you TAKE ACTION. YOU GO FOR IT. YOU START, INITIATE, FOLLOW YOUR WILDEST DESIRES. You start to believe in yourself more. You don't give up easily. You have positive approach to new challenges and projects. You are not afraid to risk and try something out of your comfort zone. You are not scared of competition or at least this fear do not stop you from action. You are independent and have no problems with leading others or doing things without company. You become more bold, empowered and confident in your skills. If you can’t truly relate to this description, maybe there is something in your Aries energy that needs your attention? Current transit is perfect for that. The more you work with your Aries energy those upcoming years, the more rewarded with courage you will be.


  1. generate your Natal Chart (for example on astro com )

  2. find ARIES house and it’s meaning

  3. see if you have placements in Aries including IC MC ASC DSC

  4. understand what’s your NATAL Aries energy is all about

  5. reflect about your limitations in Aries house and energy

  6. find the source of your wounded Aries side

  7. work on your mindset and emotions related to Aries energy

  8. use professional help if needed as the process can be challenging

Once you know where is Aries in your chart, focus on the area of your life connected to your ARIES HOUSE and reflect:

  1. are you able to fight for what you want here?

  2. do you set boundaries or rather please others?

  3. do you let yourself feel angry of you repress that feeling out of guilt ?

  4. do you let your sexual energy flow openly - do you express openly what do you need in bed?

  5. do you take action or do you wait for things to happen?

  6. do you try new things or you are afraid that it will not work our anyways?

  7. do you show up to the world or you are afraid of competition?

  8. do you take the lead or are always codependent?

  9. do you feel bold, strong and great the way you are or you always think that there is something wrong with you ?

Do you consider yourself SELF-CONFIDENT?


Do you FIGHT for what you WANT?

Do you respect your NEEDS and ENERGY?

Do you say what you truly FEEL/THINK?

Are you able to say NO?

Are you ok with doing things on your own?

How do you feel when you express ANGER?

How do you handle CONFLICTS?

Try to sit with those questions, pour them into the area of your life that Aries symbolise in your chart. Till 2027 Chiron is there activating some painful stories in order to show you the truth and guide you towards healing. Stay open to the lesson.

Psychological transformation takes time

Healing is a very complex journey and each of us is doing it using different methods. For some it is some type of therapy in group or with therapist), for some self-therapy, learning from books and videos, using astrology and spiritual practices. I believe that the most powerful therapeutical tool though is to truly sit with your story, feelings and shadow. Face it all. Observe how do you feel when life expect you to use Aries energy - or you want to use it yourself. Maybe there is new project on the way? Maybe solo travel you always wanted to try? Maybe posting your first video or podcast? Maybe making first move on dating app? Maybe expressing your anger to your friend? Maybe explaining your needs and boundaries with family members? Observe yourself - and decide if what you do with Aries energy is positive or negative for your growth and for reaching your goals? Are you your best cheerleader or your worse enemy? Is it the” YES I CAN” or “NO I CANT” mindset that dominates your reality?

Find the source of wound in the past The wound in Aries can have the source in the past - for example in your childhood. Reflect if you don't have any unhealed stories that made you believe that it is not ok to be how you are, to express yourself, to be honest, to say “no”, to be angry, to follow your passion… Maybe you went through experiences that closed your inner warrior off, because you tried in the past and instead of success there was a failure? Maybe you are afraid to speak, show up, even post in the Internet, because in the past you received painful feedback, you were offended, criticised, laughed at - f.ex. at school? Relationships with people (Libra- Aries axis) are not easy and sometimes we get hurt, but we cannot let those old stories block us for the rest of our lives. Try to find out the SOURCE of your Aries hurt. Go back to this story and change your perspective. Healing such stories takes time and effort so we can’t do it during one newsletter, but I hope that this message help you to dig deeper into your energy of COURAGE , WARRIOR and INITIATOR and you will have more awareness about this side of your psyche. Maybe after this read you realised that your Aries energy is very empowered, healthy, strong and you don't need healing with Chiron? Or maybe you find out that you would like to work more on building your new, empowering mindset, healthy ego, unshakeable self-esteem and ability to fight for what you want.

Find the wisdom in your wounds. Let go of beliefs about yourself that you created many years ago while the wound was created. You are in a different place now and you can replace your self doubt with self love. It takes time, it will not happen overnight, but with spiritual discipline everything can be reprogrammed. Start complimenting yourself, practice gratitude, read inspirational stories of successful people that had to try and fight million times for their dreams before they got there. And first of all - detect the source of your Aries issues, go back to them and practice healing. Astrology can help you to see things clearer:

Understand your Aries house and planets and decide if the way you use Aries energy in this house is satisfying you or blocking you? Bringing you good results or problems?

Self awareness is key, and the medicine is in the wound.

Jolanta, Soulight Space

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