„A man who does not know his horoscope is like a captain of a ship who throws the map overboard and cries out: "God, lead me!”- Leszek Szuman, polish astrologer

What does it mean when someone says: „I am Virgo”/„My zodiac sign is Virgo?”.
ONLY ONE THING : That the SUN is in the sign of Virgo. What about the rest of the horoscope?
Knowing someone's zodiac sign it's just the first step of a long journey of psychological discovery.
We don’t know in which house the Sun (zodiac sign) is placed, what kind of aspects The Sun is creating (harmonious or triggering) with other planets, or in which signs other planets are expressing their energy. Apart of the Sun, there are other personal planets which represent different parts of our psyche and life: Venus, Mars, Mercury, Moon (Moon is consider a planet for astrological purpose only).
What's more, in case of the example of Virgo Zodiac Sign - in this case, you may have the energy of Virgo only in your Sun (and in the house where Virgo lands in your chart), while the rest of planets can be in totally different energies, making you feel like you do not relate so much to the description of Virgo zodiac sign. You can have stellium (3 planets or more) in another sign or in the house which is not connected much to Virgo vibration, or you can have placements in other signs, modality, elements which will make the Virgo energy less dominant in your Natal Chart. The Sun can also receive strong aspect from, for example Neptune, the ruler of the opposite sign of Virgo-Pisces, which can make your Virgo Sun more dreamy, romantic and emotional, or it can be in conjunction to Saturn, intensifying Virgo typical traits, like hard work, critical eye and pragmatic approach. If you add to this the interpretation of Pluto, Chiron or Lilith that hides repressed shadows, trauma, wounds, or Saturn showing your karmic challenges, or Jupiter expanding wisdom, or Uranus showing where you are craving freedom and changes, or Nodes explaining what is your main soul lesson to learn in this lifetime ... The amount of information is endless and definitely can't be explained in only 1 astrology reading. Once you start exploring, you will never end this journey!

The story that each Natal Chart is representing is very complex, detailed and truly fascinating. Do not limit the knowledge about yourself just by identifying yourself with your Zodiac Sign (Sun Sign). There is so much more to discover!
In short words, from a technical point of view, Natal Chart is a circle divided in 12 houses, crossed by 4 angles, with planets in different signs placed in different houses and aspecting each other in harmonious or challenging way. A real horoscope has nothing to do with superficial horoscopes from the magazines or astrological memes. Let's separate entertainment from serious astrological analysis. The real astrology takes years (lifetime?) to study and it’s a very deep and complex branch of knowledge that in the past used to be a normal subject at Universities, just like Astronomy or Math. (Curious fact: the Jagiellonian University of Cracow, Poland was the largest centre for astronomical and astrological study in the fifteenth century)
Going back to the Natal Chart: all this complex combination of energies between planets, signs and aspects creates a psychological portrait and a unique Map of Potentials, a Roadmap of your Life, showing your strengths and weak points, reflecting you emotional needs, possible inner conflicts and tensions, problems that may arise in relationships and family, your values, approach to love, work, home, your talents - basically- who you TRULY ARE.

Once you discover and explore your Natal Chart, the unconscious becomes more conscious, you start to understand why certain things in your life happens in that specific way, you see clearer where you need to work more on yourself, where you are naturally talented. You become aware as you have now the map in your hands and you can use the potential of the energy for your highest good. You can choose better. You can become better. You know what to improve, what to nurture more, what to let go. You understand what your soul needs to learn in this lifetime and what patterns does not serve your growth. With awareness of how certain planets and aspects express themselves in your particular case you can live your life with more understanding and acceptance.
„The wise man rules his stars, the fool obeys them.”
Let's go into more details about WHAT IS A NATAL CHART:
Natal Chart is a circle (360 degrees) divided into 12 parts called Houses. Each House represents a different area of life. The House nr 1 always starts where the ascendent is placed.
Ascendent is the sign that was rising on the east horizon exactly at the time and place of your birth. That’s why in order to generate an accurate Natal Chart it is crucial to know EXACT TIME AND PLACE of your birth. Without that you will not obtain the proper Natal Chart.

Inside this circle called Natal Chart you will find:
Ascendent (AC, in 1st House),
Imum Coeli (IC, in 4th House),
Descendant (DC, in 7th House)
Midheaven (MC, in 10th house).
Sun - consciousness, ego, action
Moon - unconscious, feelings, reaction, emotional needs
Mercury - mind, communication, logic
Venus - feminine side, love, beauty, money,
Mars -masculine side, passion, aggression
Jupiter - expansion, luck, optimism
Saturn - restriction, lessons, responsibility
Uranus - unpredictability, individuality
Neptune - spirituality, dreams, creativity, fantasy
Pluto - transformation, grow, the shadow side
Each Planet is in specific SIGN:
Aries -fire, cardinal
Taurus- earth, fixed
Gemini- air, mutable
Cancer - water, cardinal
Leo-fire, fixed
Virgo- earth, mutable
Libra- air, cardinal
Scorpio- water, fixed
Sagittarius-fire, mutable
Capricorn- earth, cardinal
Aquarius- air, fixed
Pisces- water, mutable
Planets in signs creates ASPECTS between them:
and are located in different HOUSES:
1 (AC)self, how the world sees you
2 values, self worth, material items,
3 communication, siblings, short trips
4 (IC) home, where we come from, family
5 fun, creativity, children, hobbies, romance
6 health, daily routine, work environment
7 (DC) relationships
8 transformation, death&rebirth, mystery, taboo
9 philosophy, long travel, higher education, religion
10 (MC) our goal, what we want to achieve, carrier
11 groups, friends, society, collective consciousness
12 un- and subconscious, spirituality, secrets, solitude, dreams
And this is just a basic introduction to Natal Chart reading...

So now you can see that Birth Horoscope interpretation it’s a very complicated and long-lasting process that requires years of previous studies, analytical and psychological skills as well as spiritual and intuitive development.
If you feel not ready to read your own chart by yourself, you can contact an experienced astrologer that can reveal for you the depth of your horoscope. Birth Chart reading can open for you this very first door into the world of astrology, a door which can invite you you to learn more and be able to work with your chart individually for the rest of your life. I am exploring my own Natal Chart since 2009 and trust me, it’s a never ending story of self-discovery! I keep being impressed by how many details my Chart reveals about my psychological processes and to be honest, I actually see myself in a more clear way through Natal Chart than I would be able to see just by myself. Anytime I go back to my chart, I have this „eureka” moment over and over again! There is always some new message coming through, fresh insights, new still unexplored parts of me and my life to discover… I am truly fascinated by how much deep wisdom and information the Natal Chart constantly brings into my consciousness and helps me to understand better the cycles and lessons happening in my life. NATAL CHART ANALYSIS IS A LIFETIME INVESTMENT which you invest in the most important element of your life- YOU. Once you finally have your Roadmap in your hands, I promise you, nothing will stay as before anymore - you will always have this special guiding light with you helping you to see your journey from a higher perspective.
If my approach to astrology, which combines grounded spirituality with psychology and healing, calls you and you would like to see yourself through the lens of my astrological perspective, feel free to contact me and meet on personal session. It will be a honour and a truly meaningful service for me to to help you reach the deepest parts of yourself and understand better your path. Let's evolve together!
Jolanta, Soulight Space
Psychological Astrology in Depth
Natal Chart and Transits readings
