“I can almost see it, the dream I am dreaming…”
(“Climb” Miley Cyrus)

The last New Moon before the turbulent Eclipse Season.
Next New Moon will be already the Eclipse in Aries on April 8th and as you know Eclipses are out of our control. During Eclipses it is not recommendable to manifest so I would use THIS NEW MOON to do it! Last chance before the karmic shake up and redirections! Now you have more power to shape your reality.
Worth to rest during this weekend while we still can as upcoming weeks looks pretty wild. Dream, rest, sleep, meditate. Go for a solo walk, have a relaxing bath, chill in nature, listen to beautiful music. This will help you to recharge and to connect to Pisces energy deeper.
Worth to practice the vibration of trusting your journey and seeing your processes from a higher, spiritual perspective during this time. Pisces is about surrendering, loosing control, and that’s something truly needed during Eclipses which makes us feel like we don’t have much control over certain events in life…
Mercury will be at the beginning of Aries on this New Moon so we shall have a fresh mind. ready for new risks after few weeks of passive dreaming and possible mental confusion in the sign of Pisces. This Mercury will be retrograded in April during Eclipse season so it’s an important player - observe your mind during this New Moon, write down your ideas and don’t be afraid to focus on you and you only! This year you shall choose yourself with the North Node in Aries. This year we go to get what we want!
Coming back to March 10th: the New Moons starts new cycle. This is our energy reset, quiet time for self-reflection and moment of planting seeds for the next 6 months. Results of this New Moon will be seen on Full Moon in Pisces on September 17 which will be… an Eclipse too! Some big karmic energies are at play here. Worth to make sure your New Moon intentions are pure and healthy (as this is happening on the health axis). Karma says: You get what you give! A lot is up to you.
In 2025 Eclipses will be on Pisces/Virgo axis too, exactly as this New Moon, so I find this particular event very important for our future! Choose your seeds wisely! Don’t build your garden on toxic ground as your plants will grow being toxic too… Connect to your dreams (Neptune) but think long term (Saturn).
Any addiction, mental health issues, unhealed energy, illusion, procrastination, disorganisation, bad habits - anything that you would judge as unhealthy for you was asked to be eliminated 2 weeks ago on Full Moon in Virgo and now we are starting fresh and healthy with the New Moon in the opposite sign, Pisces. Do your best to start new cycle in the best way you can!
This New Moon (new beginning) is focused on your Pisces house. Exactly at Pisces 20: find it in your chart to know which area of your life is highlighted.
And now, imagine a place where there are no boundaries, no rules, no groundedness for over 12 years… Everything flows, we feel that Universe has our back, all people are good, government cares about us, we don't feel any negative emotions because we are just love and light, and it all seems beautiful and magical until one day BOOM - big energy shift happens. Restriction comes, illusions are breaking, all the “light and love” vibe is suddenly gone and we realise that we used to see this area of our life through pink coloured glasses. That’s what your Pisces house was experiencing those years… Big illusion and then boom, big reality check since last year.
Neptune in Pisces since 2011 - spiritual and forgiving
Saturn in Pisces since 2023 - grounded and strict
2023 was the start of realising how far have we gone with the Neptune energy in Pisces… Self sabotage, illusions, idealising reality… Love and light bubble… Saturn is now facing us with that and taking us from the clouds to the ground as every healing journey starts with honest self-reflection.
Now, after over a decade of Neptunian beautiful yet messy transit and 1 year of Saturnian reality check, we are transformed. We see that we have been lied to, or we have lied to ourselves because we wanted so badly for things or people to look better…We wanted a better world… more pure, more soulful, more magical… Now we see the reality… and we are asked to plant new seeds in our Pisces area of life. Seeds that will be still magical but not totally disconnected from reality. Time to ground our vision of life.
Use the wisdom that Saturn showed you in the last 12 months to start a better cycle now with New Moon. Maybe you used to have problems with boundaries and were helping others too much while forgetting about your own needs? Maybe you used to avoid proper healing and mental crisis has increased? Maybe your sleeping and eating routines were unhealthy? Maybe you have a lot of dreams but never put the effort to actually make these dreams come true? Maybe you lack order, discipline and rules in your Pisces house? Maybe your escaping tendencies guided you towards toxic addictions, illusions or spiritual by-passing?
I am sure many of you went through your own lessons since March 2023 and realised that the Neptunian energy of trust, unconditional help, divine love and spirituality needs GROUNDING, BOUNDARIES and PRACTICALITY in order to be truly beneficial.
On this New Moon, we can liberate ourselves from unhealthy chains and plant new seeds. Uranus squares Mars during this New Moon so we are triggered to do radical change, revolution, liberation! Mars is reminding us the importance of TAKING ACTION (Pisces is passive, Mars, active)! Don’t be just a dreamer, be a DOER! And with Uranus, don’t be afraid to follow even your most eccentric ideas!
“They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind
I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy
We can live in a world that we design”
(“A million dreams” Pink)
Jupiter, the great benefic, is on the way to meet Uranus, the planet of changes - big shifts are awaiting and the sky is the limit this spring! But without your action, dedication, discipline nothing will happen…
During this weekend try to isolate yourself from external noise and go within. Pisces energy works the best when you are alone. Listen to your own soul, focus on your dreams, detach from expectations of others… What is there, deep down, hidden? What dream do you truly dream?
“Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colours fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make”
(“A million dreams” Pink)
You are supported by Neptune now to dive deep into your fantasy and set new intentions to make this fantasy real.
Saturn is behind this New Moon at 11 degrees, not letting us forget that things take time and effort so we shall be patient, systematic and keep going there step by step. Maybe in order to turn your dreams into reality you will have to put some limits? Maybe some connections, pleasures or habits will have to be restricted? Maybe you will have to work harder now in order to be rewarded later? Choose your dream, choose your focus.
Pisces symbolise dreams and energy. Think what is worth your energy so you can get closer to your dream life? What is stealing your energy and blocking you from reaching your goals?
Neptune symbolise spirituality, Saturn, pragmatical realm. How you can find compromise between these two so your dreams can become reality? What efforts you need to put?
Mars square Uranus brings surprising action an revolution. What comfort zone you have to leave so you can follow your dreams? What new things you can try to have different results than before?
Wishing you a beautiful, quiet weekend filled with awakening insights, dreams and hope for the future.
Remember, you will see your plants (results) in September this year with the Eclipse in Pisces! Plant your seeds wisely so the next cycle will look in different way.
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Soundtrack for this New Moon:
“Climb” Miley Cyrus (Saturn in Pisces)
“A million dreams” Pink (Neptune in Pisces)
"Dressed for success" Roxette
Jolanta, Soulight Space
If my work is helping you and you would like to send some good energy back to me, you can offer me a cup of warm herbal tea which I always drink while creating posts for you. Here is the PayPal donation bottom:
Join my mailing list so in case social media collapses we can find new ways to stay in touch.
With Neptune in Pisces at 29 and Pluto in Aquarius it's rather a question of time when current social media will be replaced with something different. Leave you mail so I can re/direct you to new channels in the future :)
If you want to be guided month by month along the whole year, including Eclipses and all the important transits, I invite you to order my Webinar 2024. Fo those of you who read until here, I have a special promo: only 20 euros instead of 39 for the whole over 5-hours webinar! 20 just like the degree of this New Moon. This product will help you to be more organized and structured this year and Saturn in Pisces will like that. Here is all you need to purchase your webinar. This promotion is active only on the New Moon so hurry up!
