Full Moons illuminate the truth and today I decided to bring some light of awareness into topics I usually try to keep for myself as they might be sensitive and I do not want to spread the fear. Remember that FEAR DISEMPOWERS and I want you to feel powerful. Use this text to become AWARE of cycles, not to become fearful of cycles. It's Scorpio Season: it's time to face both lights and shadows of life.

It's not easy to be the messenger of such things but trust me, I keep tones of astrological insights only to myself to protect other's wellbeing. Astrology EXPLAINS CYCLES OF LIFE and it's not me who decides how this world looks like. All I can do is WARN IN ADVANCE so people can CHOOSE either the dark side or the positive side of the energy Remember that transits can manifest in different ways and we decide how we react to them. Nobody knows what future will exactly look like, there are only possibilities. I trust that today's Scorpio energy will help you all to look at this side of life with open mind and bravery but if you feel anxious today, save this post for another day please...
I am writing this now being just 240 km away from the place in which the WWII started. It was 84 years ago, on Sep 1st 1938 in Poland. I live only because my grandparents somehow managed to survive those 5 years of inhuman cruelty. I am deeply charged with war generational trauma and there is nothing I fear more in this world than the history to be repeated. That’s why I am writing this post - NOT TO SPREAD THE FEAR but with the intention for us all to become AWARE of the cycles we are going through now to WAKE US UP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.
The difficult pill to swallow is this transit:
2.URANUS WILL CONJUNCT ALGOL - the most malefic star - IN 2024.
These are very challenging and turbulent energies. We still have the chance to choose PEACE and this should be now our major focus- TO INCREASE THE ENERGY OF PEACE AT ALL COST… URANUS CONJOIN JUPITER IN APRIL 2024 - JUPITER INCREASES WHATEVER IT MEETS, FOR GOOD OR BAD. We still can turn direction and choose what will grow next year in Taurus themes… will it be abundance of peace or more instability in geopolitics? Everybody supporting aggressive action now is creating a dangerous consequences for humanity in the next years. WAKE UP, WORLD, BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.
This Full Moon set on focus the polarity between SCORPIO and TAURUS as a culmination of our 2-years lessons in those signs. We were working on releasing the dark side of SN in Scorpio:revenge, grudge, trauma, violence, (auto-)destruction, obsession, paranoia. We were trying to embrace NN in Taurus qualities: peace, slow life, stability, safety, beauty. Today, seeing where the world is heading, I understand why those lessons were here - to help humanity let go of toxic destructive energies before we enter such unstable chapter. Today we hopefully know the value of life and peace better than 2 years ago and we are more aware of our own dark side so we can control it better. Hope this process will help now to build more abundance and less destruction in the world. But the choice is yours. Reflect on your choices between Taurus and Scorpio, life and death, spring and fall, peace and war during this Full Moon... Release all that is not serving you...
DO YOUR BEST TO NOT FEED THE ENERGY OF DIVISION, POLARITY, CONFLICT. With current energies (Aries, Scorpio) people are now more prone to take sides and being extremely opinionated, judgmental, aggressive. Step away from anything that can increase aggression. We are all drops of the same ocean and we have the power to influence how this world looks like be our behaviour. Focus on what you can control: on your own healing and habits to help the collective energy reach more peace and here is why:
Uranus cycle last 84 years.. That means that now Uranus is at the same place it was when the WWII started 84 years ago: Taurus 21 degree.
On April 20th 2024 we expect Uranus and Jupiter conjunction in the very same place: Taurus 21 degree. Jupiter will increase the energy of this transit. So far Uranus brought us instability in geopolitics, nature, economy, banks: in all Taurus themes.
Eclipse in Aries happens shortly before that, on April 8th. 6 months from now. It will be a New Moon Eclipse in Aries conjunct Chiron and Mercury. New chapter in Aries themes. Again, Aries is ruled by Mars. The energy of Libra/Venus is challenged/decreased by SN, while Aries is intensified.
Uranus in Taurus will conjunct Algol- the Most Malefic star- in 2024 .Last time this happened in 1941-1942 during the height of WWII: Hitler’s ”Final Solution" for European Jews , the first death camp, Pearl Harbour…Algol brings destruction.
North Node marks which energy is collectively increased to be evolved but might be easily used in over-exaggeration if we are not careful. NN is in Aries until Jan 2025. Aries is ruled by Mars which in shadow symbolise fight, conflict, war.
Chiron, the wounded healer, is in Aries until 2026 and will create conjunction with NN in Aries on Feb 19th 2024. Karmic forces in union with both sorrow and opportunities for healing. Chiron transits oftn brings pain and triggers for wounds.
Saturn and Neptune will conjunct in Aries at 0 degree on February 26, 2026. This is a very rare transit marking a start of a totally NEW CHAPTER. 0 degree… Aries… the first degree, the first sign in astrology. Powerful event!
Pluto is ending the stay in Capricorn since 2008. These are the last months of this transit in our life. Pluto transforms through death and rebirth, and Capricorn is OLD SYSTEM. Pluto shows the truth: dark secrets and true intentions of people in power are coming to the light.
Pluto empowers and disempowers. In Capricorn, this energy is focused on institutions, governments, big leaders. Pluto in Aquarius will pass this energy to high technology, AI, but also to us: SIMPLE PEOPLE, SOCIETY. Big shifts of power are happening now. The last time Pluto in Aquarius was during times of French Revolution.
Don’t forget that US has now Pluto return, the country well known for being involved in many armed conflicts which are often called “interventions” or “operations”. Pluto brings immense power and wealth but it also rules the cycle of death and rebirth. This is the first US Pluto return since US exist so we don’t have any historical examples to observe.
As you can see we are in very deep transformation right now, heading toward a NEW WORLD. How this world will look like? Depends on every single one of us: your daily choices, your kindness, your emotional intelligence, your compassion matters. I might go more into details about these energies on my YOU TUBE as there is too much to say and one post is not enough.
Ask yourself if your daily choices support the energy of Aries shadow (NN/war, attack) or light of Libra (SN/peace, justice). Those are our Nodes now and for the whole 2024. Eclipses will activate this axis in 2024. Our karmic lesson is to find balance here.
So far, we can see the NN in Aries energy being highly activated in the world. Repressed anger and frustration are exploding and expanding now, while SN in Libra decrease diplomacy, mediations and peace. Combative energies are taking the lead, while values of justice and equality of Libra seems to be forgotten...
In those conflictive times, choose your battles wisely: fight for yourself, for a better life, for you goals and passions! Fight for peace! Especially now under this extreme Eclipse in Taurus which is opposed by Mars and Mercury in Scorpio. Channel this intensity into building more abundance and safety for us all (Taurus), don’t waste it on heated discussions, fights in comment sections, attacking others.
We can feel truly on fire today - to deal with this energy, come back to your body (Taurus). Centre yourself, ground your energy, focus on what you can touch, see, hear. Focus on your senses. Focus on what you can control. Focus on beauty. Physical activity is great to release this tension: dance, clean, run, go for a walk. It’s Scorpio Season- channel this intense passion into making love or art! Don’t add fuel of hate and war into the world. If someone tries to provoke you, just let it be and don’t react, step away… People are under wild energies now - forgive them for not being able to do better, for letting the shadow side of current transits control them… Be above that.

Today is the Blood Moon and Eclipse day… We are ending a cycle, releasing what is not serving us… All the grief, attachments, jealousy, auto-destructive patterns and beliefs... Eclipse energy is so intense today and is felt by the whole collective - what if we all today choose to channel this energy into love, compassion, peace, forgiveness? What is we increase this vibration on Earth today? What if we head towards Taurus and bring more peace into this world with the way we live, think, talk? Are you with me?
Take a deep breath. Or 10 deep breaths... and do your best to increase your energy of love, peace, gratitude. Your energy influences the collective energy as we are one. Tap into your sensitivity. Radiate the beauty to make this world a better place.
We can still choose peace. Do not feed anything that steal the peace from you and others… Be the Light in the darkness… It all starts with small steps, daily habits, the way you treat cashier in the grocery store, the way you behave on the road when driving... become PEACE... be KIND... It matters a lot!
“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”
*“This is a prayer each one of us can practice every day. It reminds us that our relationships with all beings and things should be mutually beneficial if we ourselves desire happiness and liberation from suffering. No true or lasting happiness can come from causing unhappiness to others. No true or lasting freedom can come from depriving others of their freedom. If we say we want every being to be happy and free, then we have to question everything that we do-how we live, how we eat, what we buy, how we speak, and even how we think. Karma means “action.” It covers all actions-thought, word, and deed. The law of karma says that for every action there is a reaction. Albert Einstein was reminding us of the law of karma when he pointed out that space is curved. Whatever is thrown out there will eventually, but inevitably, find its way back to its origin. So we should be careful about what we choose to think, say or do, because we will be revisited by our actions in due time.”
*this fragment is written by Sharon Gannon from © jivamuktiyoga.com
Sending light
Jolanta, Soulight Space
“Heal the world” by M.Jackson:
There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place it was brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel there's no hurt or sorrow
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space
Make a better place
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me, and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we cry happy tears
See the nations turn their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space
To make a better place
Praying for peace with all my heart and soul.