Lunar Eclipse on May 5th and the Full Moon in Scorpio
This Eclipse does bring heavy energy which we could feel few weeks before and after. The effects of what this energy trigger can last for 6 months until the next eclipses set arrives in Autumn 2023. This is the final Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio - the next one will happen 18 years (!) so it can be an intense, radical closure of some chapters for some of you.
Eclipses bring fated changes, redirections, ending and beginnings and they often mark a crucial moments of our lives. Shake ups, sudden realisations and things out of our control tend to happen during this time. This is often the time when we close the old chapter and start a new one which usually involves some deep inner work to release outdated, expired, unhealthy parts of us and our lives.
The last set of Eclipses in Taurus - Scorpio happened in years 2003/2004 so if you want to return to this period of your life, you may discover some similarities or continuation of the process during those Eclipses in 2022/2023.

This Eclipse in Scorpio may:
trigger past trauma
expose dark secrets
make us return to old wounds
leave us dealing with shadow side
face us with deep, unhealed sorrow
take us to “inner hell” to see the truth
bring sudden endings and closure
cut ties with toxic people
experience loss, goodbye, grief
This will not resonate with everybody.
This particular Eclipse triggers FIXED SIGNS mostly:
Eclipse happens at 14 degree Scorpio.
If you have planets in fixed signs close to 14 degree (5 degrees +or -) you might be under a greater influence of this Eclipse energy. Other signs can also feel the intensity to certain point, but fixed placements-those most stubborn, attached to old comfort zone, less flexible and not so willing to change like mutable or cardinals - they can feel violently forced by some higher energy to finally change, close, end something or to deal with dark side or past memories in order to, again, transform that energy. Scorpio transforms through crisis and drama so some of us may go through such turbulent energy now to finally wake us up.

If you are emotionally affected (which can mean low, dark mood, frustration, sorrow, grief…) the most important thing in this process is to NOT LOSE HOPE and TRUST THE PROCESS of shedding your old skin. Every ending brings also NEW BEGINNING so see if you can focus on that - on making a space for the new and trusting that this pain leads to a better place.

Scorpio and it’s ruler Pluto can make us go through death (of self, of relationship, of patterns, of addictions, of attachments, of some chapter in life) but they also carry the promise of REBIRTH and the gift of REGENERATION, LIBERATION and EMPOWERMENT.

Solar Eclipse brings NEW BEGINNINGS
Lunar Eclipse brings END, COMPLETION.
In October 25th,2022 we had the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (START)
On May 5th, 2023 we have the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (END)
This is the end of the 6-months Eclipse transformation.
We will be ending this cycle, seeing the results, closing this chapter, releasing stories that came to an end.
Focus on your Scorpio house to reflect about your personal journey.
What started October/November last year in this area of your life? How is this related to what it is happening (culminating?) now?
With Eclipses in Scorpio, we focus on transforming the dark side into strength. Shadows come to light, toxine becomes more visible (in us or in other people), have the chance to see things as they truly are and decide to change the situation.

The symbol of Scorpio and of this Eclipse in Scorpio is the PHOENIX RISING. From aches to power. From brokenness to unbreakable strength. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Pluto is currently squaring Nodes (that represent destined path) so the whole collective is under a strong pressure of Pluto to change direction and embrace the new chapter for humanity. There is no way back to the old with Pluto transformation as Pluto DESTROYS the old and leave us without any choice. The only way is FORWARD.
Pluto starts retrograde on May 1st, which will make us dive really deep into our soul, shadow, repressed emotions. Pluto is now in Aquarius, the sign of freedom and his journey in this archetype wants us to transform into our more free, authentic self. This Eclipses carry similar potential - when you release all that is toxic or repressed into subconscious, controlling you from the shadow level - you will become more free, pure and lighter. As Pluto retrogrades until October 10th, it will return into Capricorn from June 11th for the rest of this year. We may be forced to go back to the past, to the root of the problem, to old traditional habits and patterns, to beliefs implemented by our parents/society/school, to unresolved, unhealed childhood wounds (Cancer-Capricorn is the parental axis). All that is holding us back from being ourselves (Aquarius) will be under deep introspection this year with Pluto retrograde. This can be a powerful time to heal generational trauma and subconscious demons… The destroy for good the outdates system (Capricorn) and prepare the space for the new, Aquarian energy… Eclipses season can connect you with what needs to be removed, released, let go… We are building a new world now… Release the old…

Many will be forced to finally deal with the childhood trauma and old conditioning in order to transform this story and be able to truly use the Pluto in Aquarius potential of being authentic and free, of being in your power. Capricorn is old system, Aquarius is the new one - and as intense, transformative Pluto switching between those two signs squares karmic nodes those months and is a part of this set of Eclipses, we might go through deep shadow work and death of old self this year with the higher purpose of removing from your life all that is expired, old, toxic - all that is not yours to carry. Focus on the big picture of this process even it this transition feels uncomfortable, scary and very painful. You may be dealing with difficult stuff, and it is normal to feel low, tired, overwhelmed. Purging and dealing with pain can be exhausting. Make sure you are taking a good care of yourself and of your mental health this year.
No matter how intense it can feel, allow yourself to stay authentic, honest and not repress anything. Face whatever Scorpio expose to you as the truth is a necessary step towards transformation. Only when we realise how toxic and unhealthy certain side of our life is, we can truly step into the process of releasing that and replace toxins with medicine.

During eclipses it is important to not fall into fear and hopelessness. See if you can use that event as a stimulation to transform, as a trigger to heal, as a provocation to end something unhealthy for you. Sometimes we need to touch the deepest, darkest bottom to be able to rise like a phoenix. Sometimes we need a very strong trigger to finally find the courage to let go, leave, say goodbye, move on.
No matter how heavy it is, trust the process. I hope that no matter what resurface for you, no matter how heavy it is, you will find strength to keep going and that at the end of the process, you will reach a higher, more free, more true, more authentic version of yourself.
Eclipses are karmic and out of our control. Fate and Universe is at play here so all we can do is embrace that. The old cycle with Pluto in Capricorn is ending so use this retrograde until October to integrate the lessons from this transit (Pluto in Capricorn 2008-2023) and make final cleaning as we are entering new era of Aquarius - an era which we haven’t seen before and it can be scary just as any unknown path, but the change is inevitable. You are meant to be a different, more evolved person once this process ends to be more aligned with aquarius values of freedom and authenticity. Don’t fight with this transformation. Let it purify you…
Next 6 months, activated by Eclipses, is the time to shed the old skin…
Work systematically with the energies that Eclipse triggers in you and allow yourself to step into this intense power the only an honest shadow work and true release of toxins can build.
Whatever is hurting your body and soul, needs to go…
Embrace the change and may the Light find you!
Jolanta, Soulight Space

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