On October 28th, right before Final Eclipse in Taurus, the“Friends” actor Matthew Perry, 54, dies of apparent drowning after a heart attack. He was found in a hot tub at home. He struggled with drugs and alcohol for years. All that is connected to his Neptune and 8h energy. Saturn in Pisces is right on his 8h cusp right now.
Neptune rules water and is the ruler of his 8 h of death so Neptune has a big meaning in his departure and previous struggles with addictions. His natal Neptune is in 4 house = literally water at home. Being the ruler of 8 h, it manifested as death in the water at home, literally. His Sun (vitality) is in Leo (heart) and squares (Mars energy, attack) his natal Neptune (water) in 4 house (home) in Scorpio (death). Deadly heart attack in the water at home - SO LITERAL I AM SPEECHLESS! Neptune rules also toxins which could provoke this heart attack… Lunar Eclipse happened on his natal Moon and Saturn, the Lord of Time and Karma... With Saturn transiting on 8h cusp...He died shortly before Eclipse culmination... Extreme manifestation of transits, but again, so literal.
His NN is in Pisces in 8 house of death and at critical 22 degree="to kill or be killed". This degree needs special attention and care. If I would have client with such chart, I would advice being very careful with water, substances, toxins and immune system -all Pisces themes- to avoid problems. NN can be extreme in results as it’s karmic, especially at 22 degree which is also karmic, ruled by Capricorn. I do not know Mathew Perry biography, but that’s what I found out just now: “For years, the actor was vocal about his health problems stemming from drug addiction, including 15 rehab stints, 14 surgeries, and a two-week coma”. Shadow side of Neptune bringing karmic consequences with such NN at 22 degree… 8 house rules surgery. Neptune rules coma. 8 house is a powerful house of transformation and regeneration - 15 rehab stints!!! He was trying so hard to heal, like a real Phoenix rising. That’s the 8 house and Scorpio power. His Neptune was in Scorpio. Death and rebirth. Collapse and new start...Turning his darkness into light, over and over again...
Lets go more into depth and look at both transits and birth chart... I looked at his chart once I saw the news about his departure and I am speechless on how literal and accurate astrology is! In this article I will explain briefly his birth chart and transits to show you manifestation of Pisces and Scorpio energy to make you more aware of the shadow side of these archetypes as we all have these energies somewhere in our chart. Remember the we all have free will and can choose the bright or the dark side of every placement.
But before that: DISCLAIMER: Astrology is the language describing cycles and a part of our natural cycle is death. My intention in this post is to show proofs on how astrology works and how literal it can be. Treat this post as educational and informative. If you have any similarities in your chart IT DOES NOT MEAN that something similar will happen to you as every chart is different and tells individual story. These are very extreme examples of struggling soul that we are going to see here. Astrology is an extremely detailed, mathematical knowledge so do not generalise any placement - every degree, aspect, house, nuance change the meaning. I also do not touch the topic of death in charts of people that are still alive and I think we all should not. If you are alive, focus on life, not on death, as simple as that.
Keep in mind that there are many meanings missing here as I am unable to describe every single house or planet in depth in one post. I mention only some of the manifestations.

This is not a proper Chart Analysis, rather a quick brainstorm of what each placements can bring. I have to admit that I’ve never watched “Friends” and have no knowledge about biography of this actor so I might not provide much examples of real life manifestation but those of you who know more can connect the dots. All I know is that Matthew worked at “Friends” and I just found out today that he struggled with drugs and alcohol for years which is clearly shown in his chart. His chart shows me big emotional struggles, high intensity, internal conflicts, possible childhood trauma (intense experiences on the parental axis Moon - Saturn, 4 h -10 h, depending how evolved parents were but in shadow it could be really wounding for the child, for instance: crisis at home, no stability, abuse, addictions) Relationship with parents looks challenging and could affect his adult life.
ECLIPSE - completion / extreme events
Eclipse was on his Moon-Saturn natal opposition. Full Moon brings endings and this Taurus - Scorpio axis is literally about life and death. Such Eclipse confront us with this extreme polarity of blossoming in spring (Taurus Season) and fading away in fall (Scorpio Season). This Full Moon shine light on this topic for the whole world collectively now and confronts us with the fragility of life. CARPE DIEM (Taurus) and MEMENTO MORI (Scorpio). In this case, manifestation was literal and fated with Eclipse on Saturn, the Lord of Karma and Time. The time has come for the soul to rest or maybe it was a karmic consequence of previous actions? Saturn in Pisces brings now consequences for POURING TOXINE into our body and soul. And there is one specific toxine that comes to my mind here, the one which was spread worldwide in the last few years...I will talk about this in the next paragraph. There is mystery about this passing away (Neptune) so we will probably never know what exactly happened and maybe we should not. Things happening in 4 house (Moon in 4h triggered by Eclipse) are private.
Neptune is the ruler of his 8 h and Pisces. Saturn is right on the cusp on his 8 house now, reaching the 0 degree after months of retrograde. Is in the very beginning of the cycle, in the same place where it was in March 2023 when this transit started for us all. It is unclear yet what caused heart attack but I found out he was vaccinated for C-19 and the fact is that there is a noticeable increase in heart attacks in the world since 2021, especially for sportsmen after doing some physical activity- Matthew died in his home after a 2-hour round of pickleball -you decide what do you think about it. SEE STUDY . When I mentioned in my Saturn in Pisces You Tube video about karmic consequences in the realm of health that Saturn will bring for the next 2,5 years, that was one of the things I was having in my mind. Pisces rules lies, illusion…and toxines: chemical or poisonous materials, everything that the body might consider to be foreign to us… That’s why Pisces rules immune system as well - protection from toxins. Saturn is now reviewing that realm, showing harsh truths and bringing consequences. That’s why my advice is to focus on your immune system now, improve it, do your best to detoxify your body. More in my You Tube video SATURN IN PISCES 2023-2026. You will find link in the end of this article.

Tarot was showing me the story of C-19 and further medical "solution" for this problem as MOON (things are not as they seem, secrets, illusions) and PAGE OD SWORDS (explore the topic, learn more, do research first). No matter what was your decision back then, ALL OF US should now focus on improving our health and immune system with Saturn being in Pisces if we don't want to face increase of problems in our Pisces area of the chart. Saturn brings karmic consequences for the realm of medicine and healing until 2026.
NEPTUNE/ 8 HOUSE - liquids / death
Neptune retro (water, transcendence) is transiting his 8 house (death) and trine to the degree his natal Neptune in Scorpio 25 degree in the 4 h (this is his point of escapism from intense feelings to addictions). Neptune rules water and addictions. He has Pisces (water, addictions, toxins) energy in 8 h (death) with the North Node (destiny). The ruler of 8 h is Neptune (water, substances) which lands in 4 house (home) in Scorpio. Neptune brings mystery, confusion, no clarity. He passed away drowning in his home in the hot tub but there is no clarity what happened so far as I am writing. Neptune is hidden, invisible, is the energy of solitude.
SCORPIO IN 4 H - death/home
That night Mars-Mercury in Scorpio conjunction was 4 degrees away of his Moon in 4 house with the Eclipse being 2 degrees apart of his Moon and 3 degrees apart of his Saturn. Extremely intense energy. Mars is malefic in traditional astrology and was opposing another malefic, his natal Saturn.
Currently his 9 house of international expansion and 10 house of career are under transits increasing that energy, bringing growth (Jupiter 10 h, North Node 9 h)- our chart works even when the soul accomplished the mission on earth so we can expect his fame reaching much higher level which is a very common thing to happen for artists that has passed away.

Neptune in 4 h Scorpio: escapism from intense emotions
Sun in Leo square Neptune in Scorpio: conflict popularity vs addictions
Saturn opposite Moon: conflict popularity vs privacy
Mars Sag 5 h: passion for acting, comedy actor
Sun Leo 1 h: celebrity, being the centre of attention
Moon and Neptune in 4 h Scorpio: deep need for privacy, escapism, high sensitivity
Mercury in Virgo conjunct South Node and Pluto in 2 h: perfectionist, deep analytical brain, control over the material, auto-destruction of body via diet, Virgo energy is karmic here and needs healing/release of the shadow side
North Node Pisces 8 h: his soul in this lifetime wanted to learn more about the metaphysical realm, transformation of shadow into light, transcendence and spirituality. He could use the destructive way of reaching this realm (addictions). NN is at critical 22 degree=to kill or be killed. If I would have client with such chart, I would advice being very careful with water and substances as it may end up tragically.
South Node in Virgo 2 h: He carries karmic burden from past life here. Too much focus on the material and pragmatical. Too much control and judgmental energy. It was a very intense karmic baggage as Mercury and Pluto conjoin SN. He could suffer from overthinking, obsessive thoughts, destructive self-criticism, having negative dark mindset.
The medicine for that was to reach North Node in Pisces 8 h: spiritual development, releasing control of Virgo, flowing with the unknown of life, meditation. Releasing control was the main mission here. Its not an easy karmic lesson. Pluto is a strong intense planet keeping the person stuck in the South Node (past life tendencies that needs to be healed and released). Some people unfortunately escape from such obsessive control and intrusive thoughts via numbing substances…
With NN-SN in Virgo Pisces axis, there is a big karma related to health and mental health. In 2-8 houses it was the material-spiritual axis, body-soul to be balanced, also finances. There was a toxic energy regarding how we approach our body, health and diet here to be released from past life... Any choice in the health area was especially charged with karmic consequences.
There are also Venus conjunct Lilith in Cancer in 12 h and Jupiter Uranus conjunction in 3h in Libra - I will leave it to interpretation for volunteers. Feel free to share your observation over this chart if you want as I am too tired of the Eclipse intensity to write everything I see, I apologize!

Like many famous people (Michael Jackson, Celine Dion) he had Saturn in 10 h close to MC. Hard work gives great popularity and big achievements here if you are disciplined. Saturn 10 h opposite his Moon in Scorpio 4h - conflict between career/popularity and home/privacy. Moon is vulnerability - in Scorpio is very vulnerable, in 4 house/ extremely vulnerable. Think about the need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket at home, invisible to the world, in your own space. That was his emotional need which was hard to reach with such popularity. Who does not know Friends series, even if you never watched it like me! Saturnian pressure in career area was affecting his most sensitive placement as Moon in Scorpio craves privacy and intimacy. Moon quincunx Chiron in Aries in 9 h = the house of all that’s international. Definitely his vulnerable side and need for privacy (Scorpio, 4h) was affected by international popularity and could lead to auto-destructive ways (Scorpio) of dealing with emotions (4 h) like addictions (Neptune = escape from reality). Deep down he could feel unworthy of such fame, having problems with self/esteem, always craving more perfection (Chiron 9 h, Saturn 10 h). Those are difficult placements that should be the point of psychological healing. With Chiron in Aries 9 h the feeling of being unworthy could be his strong belief. This Chiron also shows the sorrow that war creates (Aries - war) which we are now going collectively through as Chiron is transiting Aries. It was a Chiron return for Matthew expanding for years his pain related to Aries themes: conflict, aggression and wound of self. His Sun in Leo 1 house is squared by Neptune in Scorpio 4 house. Being in the spotlight, popular was meant for him but it was triggering his escapism tendencies. There was a conflict between being in the centre of attention (Leo Sun) and wanting privacy, rest, being away from reality… His great sensitivity was strongly triggered by his fame. Neptune could manifest as coping mechanism to escape from popularity via addictions, especially in the 4 house (home, deep emotions, vulnerable side). There was a strong need to work on that part of the chart and find more balance here.
Rest in peace.
With Neptune and Scorpio energy it is always worth to be aware of both positive and negative manifestations in order to channel this energy in a healthy way.
Neptune gives artistic talents, spiritual gifts, high sensitivity, compassion and healing, but it can also bring escapism tendencies, confusion, addictions, self-sabotage and spiritual bypassing. Saturn is now in Pisces realm pushing the whole collective to become more responsible for how we use Neptune energies.
Scorpio gives extreme power, regeneration, emotional depth, deep understanding of life, psychological and occult talents, but it can also bring (self-)destruction, violence, revenge, obsession, intrusive thoughts, paranoia. SN was in Scorpio for the last 18 months (from Jan 2022) to help us release the toxic traits of this sign. This Eclipse is the final wake up call to complete this cycle.
Look at these parts of your chart where is Scorpio and Pisces, Neptune and Pluto, 8 house and 12 house, understand your chart and your individual tendencies to be mindful over how you are using these energies. If you have strong placement there, spiritual and emotional development is very important in your case. Learn how to channel intense emotions in a healthy way and first of all, learn your astrological chart in depth to gain more awareness.
Where is Scorpio and Pisces in your chart?
Keep self-reviewing yourself in this area of your life to avoid problems.
If you value my work and free astrology insights, you can buy me a cup of warm tea by PayPal donation:
Jolanta, Soulight Space
SATURN IN PISCES VIDEO - see what karmic consequences we might be facing now and how to protect your health for the next 3 years