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Alexei Navalny Death - Astrology Charts

Writer's picture: Jolanta - Soulight Space Jolanta - Soulight Space

Alexei Navalny, Russian opposition leader, dies at age 47 in arctic penal colony on Feb 16th 2024. In this article I would like to show you this story through the lens of astrology. We will look at:

Birth Chart, Transits, Solar return, Annual Profections and Progression. I do not have time capacity to write down all that we can see in these charts so if you want to add your observations, feel free to do it in the comment section!


Activism, rebellion and bravery


Pluto in 1 house gives invincible energy. Pluto is in harmony to Mars and Sun, giving the person intense bravery, determination, intensity and passion. Not surprising he was called “the man Putin feared most” and was describing himself as invincible. Pluto here is powerful, intimidating, even scary. In Libra, his mission was to bring more equality and justice into any sort of relationships and as Libra rules law - he was layer by profession.


Ruler of Chart Mercury + Sun in 9 house + Sun and Venus in Gemini

9 house themes: higher knowledge and ideals, beliefs, teaching, law, international, travel. He was internationally (9 h=abroad) known for his journalism (Mercury communicates) and for bringing truth about breaking law (9 house-law, truth) to light (Sun illuminates). This is also connected to Pluto in Libra in harmony to his Sun and Venus (Pluto reveals dark secrets like corruption). He published a documentary about hidden luxury palace of Putin - clear manifestation of these placements (Pluto, Mercury in 9 house). Spreading information was one of the central parts of his existence.


For activism, we look at 11 house where he has Mars in Leo and Moon in Virgo. Wherever there is Mars in the chart we are the most passionate, active and driven about the themes of this house. He was all about fighting (Mars) for social matters (11 house). With Moon in Virgo here, his emotional need was to improve (Virgo) social system (11 house). With Leo in the house of community he became the leader (Leo) of opposition (11 house is about rebellion and changes).


His Jupiter and South Node in Taurus are placed in the 8 house of dark secrets, taboo, taxes, shared finances, hidden truths - no surprise he was the one revealing secrets about corruption in Russia! Jupiter gives higher wisdom to the house where is placed in the chart and South Node represents natural talents you gained in past life. Taurus is money! Here you go - the one discovering truths (Jupiter) about corruption (8 house) and informing others about it (Mercury in Taurus - 9 house on international scale)


Wherever Capricorn and Saturn is in your chart it symbolise where you might be most challenged in life. In his case we can see Capricorn in 4 house of motherland and Saturn being at critical, anaretic degree 29 which brings the highest level of challenges and in the sign of cancer which again leads to roots, mother, motherland. i don’t know his childhood story but i would connect it to the oppressive, harsh system of Mother Russia. Saturn is cold, strict, merciless. Navalny’s story of Poisoning - Prison - Death shows that his relationship with homeland was very saturnian, but at the same time he was still pushing through - that’s the Saturnian gift - resistance through hardships… 


Navalny - famous activist:

11 house - Mars and Moon

organising anti-government demonstrations 

Uranus - 2 house of money 

advocating reforms against corruption 

11 house Mars Moon / 9 house - Sun, Mercury, Venus

6 mln You Tube subscribers and 2 min Twitter followers publishing material revealing corruption 



Transits of his last day: 

(Birth chart inside, Transits outside of the wheel) Death Feb 16 2024

1/ Pluto opposite Saturn

Death opposite Karma 

Exact from Dec 20-Jan 20 2024 when transiting Pluto in Capricorn opposing Saturn to the degree. 29 degree is karmic, difficult, destructive and challenging. From what I know, Navalny was send to the arctic prison in December 2023. As I predicted in my You Tube forecast last year - the energy of Pluto at final degree Capricorn (old system) will bring the most oppressive energy from people in power towards those searching for freedom. We will have the final stage of this transit in September-November 2024.

Pluto - powerful secretive forces, domination, abuse of power

Saturn - hardships, cold, severe conditions, punishment, limitations. 

Here, from my point of view:

Pluto - Mother Russia (from 4 house of motherland)

Saturn - Arctic Prison (in Cancer - symbol of motherland again) 

Interesting that both planets are connected to the homeland (4 house, Cancer) and both are challenging (Pluto is violent, Saturn restricts). He was in freezing  punishment cell at the Arctic prison for fighting against the russian system. Merciless manifestation of this transit.

2/ Neptune conjunct Descendant 

Descendant is always opposite to Ascendant (self) and symbolise others - both partnerships and open enemies. 

Neptune brings to the energy of others the vibration of  mystery, confusion, mental fog, no clarity, lies, deception. It’s easy to be fooled or manipulated during such transit. 

All that is presented about this death is confusing, unclear and can be a lie. We might never know the truth. With Neptune all you think is truth can be a lie… 

3/ Moon conjunct Uranus in the 8 house. This short union can bring something sudden and unexpected. In 8 house it can be sudden loss.

4/ Chiron conjunct karmic Node in 7 house of open enemies...


Profection chart marks 12 house as the theme of this year. 12 house means isolation, solitude, secrets, hidden energies, being away from reality - spiritually speaking or physically - for example isolation in prison, hospital or far away travel. 12 house is the last house of the wheel. House of endings. Everything here is matching how his story unfolds (arctic prison, death, secrets around it). "This is the highest level of isolation from the world" - that's how the arctic prison in which Navalny spent his last days was described. 12 house...


In progressed chart, his Mars moved into 12 house too. His vitality, passion, drive, warrior energy was placed in isolation, hidden from the world, while in natal his Mars was very visible - in bold Leo, in the house of community. His activism of 11 house disappeared, was isolated, hidden… 

His progressed Saturn is in conjunction to Venus and Mercury. Saturn is limiting and restricting - in this case his partnerships and communication. Saturn manifested here as prison and oppression from the penalty system as well as severe conditions of the Arctic (Saturn is cold and minimalistic). His progressed Sun is in conjunction to his anaretic Saturn at 29 degree Cancer which I previously connected to hardships of Mother Russia.These hardships are now literally in union with his life, vitality, light (Sun). The light of Sun was dimmed, oppressed, limited… 


In his Solar return chart (the chart of the birthday in 2023 marking the energy for the time from one birthday to another) is also marking the challenging energy coming from the homeland. T-square between Pluto in 4 house, Saturn in Cancer and Chiron in 8 house. Very harsh energies creating aggressive tension. Transiting Venus was a in union with Saturn that day - similar to his progressed chart where there is the same aspect presented. Venus is the planet of love, pleasure, abundance… Saturn is limiting it… In the Solar Return we also see Uranus conjunct Mercury - sudden, unexpected news is marked here in the 8 house of death. Transiting Saturn in 6 house suggest the need for serious approach to health and possible challenges in this matter - his life conditions were definitely not helping to become more healthy and disciplined in the self-care. In this case Saturn could bring serious health problems… 


It is also worth to see his transits on the day of poisoning:

August 20, 2020. Moon in Virgo was in his 12 house of hospitalization opposite Neptune in his 6 house of health. As I often advice you with Neptune transits - careful with toxins, substances, alcohol, liquids during this time. Neptune brings deception, lies and poisoning if used in low vibration. On that day, Chiron was transiting his 7 house of open enemies and opposing his Pluto. Another dangerous combination as Pluto represents death and Chiron, hurt, pain coming from others… Uranus was in 8 house on his South Node - sudden unexpected energy on the point of letting go, ending, releasing. In the 8 house of death. Uranus was also squaring his Mars! And transiting Mars was in 8 house too. Wow, lots of indicators showing that this day as possibly very risky in many ways… Astrology is mind-blowing! Would you like to add something? There is so much more to describe!

Remember that we are right in the beginning of Pluto in Aquarius. This is the first Aquarius Season with Pluto energy in our life. Worth to observe event to decodify how the next 20 years may look like, especially now as Aquarius energy is extremely intense. Death of one of the bravest activists in the world is a shocking, sad, but also strong symbol of Aquarius values and I hope this unnecessary loss will at least lead to some higher awakening of society. The fight for freedom, protests, activism may be one of the strongest directions for humanity until 2044, but as you can see, the response from oppressors may be extreme too... With Pluto, Aquarian values of equality, freedom, human rights might be reached only through crisis and turbulence of many tower moments. No matter what, our duty is to stay united as united we are stronger. Don't let them divide us even more as humanity as we will only lose our power to change something in this world. May all the beings be free and respected in their rights of free speech.

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Of course, I do not read charts of my clients in that way as above. Here we simply try to learn astrology by observing the energies of events that already happened as well as trying to see this story from a different perspective. Please do not try to apply this information to your chart and placements especially regarding death matters even if you have some similarities as every chart is different and full of details that change the interpretation. 


If you want to use astrology to self-growth, self-observation and self-understanding, i invite you for a personal reading where we can dive into your story and find out how you can work with your energies to get the best results and deal better with challenges. If you need more clarity and guidance, I am here to help, welcome!  

Jolanta, Soulight Space 



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