Pluto is now in Capricorn and then will be briefly in Aquarius: from March 23, 2023 until June 11, 2023.
However, the uninterrupted 20-year transit of Pluto through Aquarius which will start the “Pluto in Aquarius era ” starts on November 19, 2024.
Pluto in and out between Aquarius and Capricorn 2023/24
Pluto in Aquarius March 23rd - June 11th
Pluto back in Capricorn from June 11th for the rest of 2023
Jan 20th, 2024 - Sep 1st, 2024 (Pluto in Aquarius)
Sep 1st,2024 - Nov 19, 2024 - final brief stay in Capricorn
Nov 19th, 2024, to March 8th, 2043 (Pluto in Aquarius)
(Pluto in Aquarius final entry Nov 19th, 2024 for 20 years)
Pluto - deep, sometimes painful & drastic yet necessary transformation - death & rebirth. Aquarius- futurism, high technology, freedom, revolution, equality. Awakening?
Pluto is in Capricorn November 27, 2008 - November 19, 2024 (Brief break in Aquarius: March-June 2023)
WHAT WAS HAPPENING with Pluto inCapricorn? Transformation/destruction/death & rebirth in Capricorn themes: hierarchy, institutions, authority figures, financial system, banks, work, governments, world order... new world order?
22.02.2022 - Pluto U.S. return 24.02.2022 - Russia invaded Ukraine
As those dates aligned, we can expect that the war in Ukraine has a strong impact on the transformation of power and control of the US. The position of US, the gain or loss of power and domination, will be strongly influenced by what this conflict will transform in the geopolitical realm and in the relationships between countries.

Pluto is going to retrograde from April 29 till October 8, 2022 touching the same degrees as it did in the last few months in order to find deeper truths and activate transformation one more time to make sure that all that does not serve us anymore has been definitely destroyed and let go. This is the time of shadow work and deep diving in the dark, secretive, hidden places. if there is something still repressed and unfinished, Pluto retrograde may trigger those topics one more time to close the process of death and rebirth, of deep transformation.
Observe what has happened in the world in those years when Pluto has been in Capricorn (from 2008) in economy, work, banks. So much has changed, often in a harsh way (f.ex. economical crisis, rising prices, pandemic that caused big changes in the way we work and study). The old system, the traditional order of the world (represented by Capricorn) - all that is collapsing in front of us.

We can see clearly that old methods (paying with cash, working in the office, using traditional cars, doing shopping physically) are being replaced step by step by what Aquarius represents - modern, futuristic solutions (cryptocurrency, working from home office, innovation, electric cars, digital shopping). Now we are in the last stage of this transformation. The old world is transforming into the one symbolised by the Age of Aquarius.

Uranus in Taurus (money, possessions, security) is also bringing unexpected changes in similar matters as Capricorn. This transit dates are: May 15, 2018 - April 27, 2026. During this time the world is experiencing a big and surprising shake ups of what we used to consider stable, safe, peaceful and unchangeable. Is also shifting the way we globally approach the way we earn money and accumulate our possessions. I guess we can all observe how many people has changed their relationship with finances, hard work and focus on the material security vs rest, life pleasures contact with nature and peaceful, slow life.
I connect big van life movement, nomadic lifestyle and working online while travelling and enjoying the beauty of nature - which become so popular in last years - with Uranus in Taurus transit at work. "I just quit my job and bought a van!" - such Uranian free-spirited energy!
With North Node in Taurus currently we are activated to embrace even more the lessons of Taurus. The beauty of Simplicity. Slow, peaceful life. Close contact with Nature. Rest over overworking. Chill over stress. Taurus energy is bringing us back to Mother Nature, away from what is is turning us humans into working machines. The amount of people around me quitting their "normal jobs" and searching for alternative, more peaceful life says it all...
Coming back to Pluto: on April 29th, Pluto starts retrograde. That means, U.S Pluto return will be activated one more time as Pluto will touch the same degree as on February 22th, 2022. Do you remember all that happened in that time in the world, especially economically? Well, we can expect that this process will be activated again and that it probably will go only deeper even deeper. Sanctions, changes in prices, laws and rules, destruction of the old financial system, transformation.
Pluto energy can be very manipulative and violent. Do not trust everything you hear in mass media. Question even the "truth" coming our from the mouth of the biggest experts. Do your own research and search for information in different, alternative sources.
At the same time, Pluto dig deep and reveals all the hidden truths and secrets. Will some the dark, invisible for us until now informations about authorities, law and financial system come to the surface? Will we see things more clearly?
I am afraid that all that is going on in the world since the great conjunction in January 2020 *which marked the destruction and transformation of the old order) is used on purpose by some people trying to control society and use this transformative shift we are living in (Capricorn = old, Aquarius = new) to their advantage. Reflect about what has happened with our freedom in last three years... How manipulative were those times and how much control governments gained over society? What was stopping us from saying no and not playing in this game? What was making people trust so blindly governments, television, "experts"... ? Mars retrograde in Gemini in August 2022 - January 2023 was the time to reflect more about that - you can watch my MARS IN GEMINI video on You Tube where is talk more about those lessons.
Do you make our choices based on deep, logical analysis of the situation, do we make our own research, do we think freely and question everything - even the science which also makes lots of mistakes- before we make our choices? Or do we give our freedom away? Do we act like a crowd, without any reflection about what we are actually doing?
This is the time of our awakening. We are in the last moments of the old reality which will collapse anyways, we want it or not. The Great Reset started in January 2020 with Saturn conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn (12.01.2020) . But how the new reality will look like depends on our choices. On what we accept, and what we refuse to do. We are the ones who have to protect our freedom. If we stop thinking, if we stop searching for truth, if we continue blindly trusting media that only creates panic and manipulates our behaviour, we will end up being controlled and enslaved. In a new, modern way.
Capricorn is hierarchy. Capricorn is government. Capricorn is control.
Aquarius is revolution. Aquarius is people. Aquarius is freedom.
May the energy guide us towards a new, free world.
May we choose wisely, what and who we support.
We live in interesting times, indeed...
Jolanta, Soulight Space
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