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MARS CAZIMI - turning point

Writer's picture: Jolanta - Soulight Space Jolanta - Soulight Space

Your breakdown is a breakthrough.

Mars Cazimi in Scorpio Nov 17/18th 2023

Self-Portrait / @ Jolie Art Photography

This day is very important for our future. Observe how this energy is influencing you. This is a cosmic reset for our drive and motivation. This is the time of restart of our warrior spirit (Mars) and align our future strategic actions with our wildest dreams (Neptune). This is the moment of deep emotional purging and letting go of old chapter which is closing up (Moon conjunct Pluto). This is the moment of feeling the fear and doing it anyways. This is the moment of hitting rock bottom so you can use it as trampoline towards a better future. This is also a time that can bring existential crisis, fears, confusion and emptiness. A new path is emerging in front of us and we don't see where is it exactly heading but… isn’t it the rule of life? Uncertainty and unpredictability, full of surprising twists and change of plans? You will never be fully ready. The only constant in life is change. Release control and just keep going ”as you start to walk on the way, the way appears.” -Rumi.

Scorpio is the big theme of today’s meeting of Mars with the Sun. This day can be very energising and awakening after challenging period of deep shadow work of Scorpio. For the last 2 years Scorpio energy was facing dark times… turbulent, sudden, drastic events that were breaking the status quo and awaking us to what truly matters for us.

Self-Portrait / @ Jolie Art Photography

Scorpio teaches us about the fragility of life and the constant transformation of all aspects of existence through death and rebirth. Scorpio-Taurus axis rules not only finances but also our VALUES: material (Taurus) and emotional (Scorpio). Body vs soul, I have vs we have. All that you HAVE in the tangible and in the intangible realm. Your physical worth and your spiritual worth and things you consider valuable. Look back at November 2021 and reflect how much have you changed since then with the karmic lessons of the Nodes and Eclipses in 2022-2023 in terms of what is valuable for you. That was our preparation for this Mars Cazimi in Scorpio. Now we can use all the wisdom and begin again, more aligned with what truly matters for us… Today Scorpio energy is experiencing a regeneration bath in the rays of the sun, purifying the warrior amor that got so many painful hits these years. Mars is recharging and emerging in a new empowered way. Time for powerful actions and new beginnings.

Scorpio is a very deep, introverted sign searching for the truth. Time to dig deep…After those past months of releasing, letting go, facing unexpected changes in your stability and working with your attachments that were keeping you stuck in the old comfort zone…Reflect… What truly matters to YOU now? Forget about society, family, friends… What do YOU find worth invest your time and energy in? What gives you satisfaction in both spiritual and material realm (Scorpio-Taurus)? What gives you both emotional fulfilment (Scorpio) and material stability (Taurus)?

Self-Portrait / @ Jolie Art Photography

Uranus in Taurus since 2018 is shaking and breaking many things we considered stable in our life - including worth, values, prices, income, possessions, “stable job”… Uranus is opening us to the new realm emerging with Pluto in Aquarius and Jupiter in Gemini in 2024 (plus Uranus in Gemini since 2025) which will start huge progress and development of high technology, AI, chat GPT, digital world… The speed of these changes will be mind-blowing with those two air signs collaborating together for the next years and Pluto ending cycle in Capricorn now is suggesting that these are the last moments of the old systems: financial, political, geopolitical… We need to open up to huge changes and learn to build some sort of inner stability and grounding source in order to stay balanced.

I remember I said in the end of 2019 to my friends that January 2020 carries similar astrological energies to those which started transition from the Middle Ages to Renaissance and future modernity. People were sceptical about my prediction in which I was suggesting that from 2020 we would be seeing such potent transformation like the one ending Middle Ages times… But look what is going on since 2020 with our “old world”… Look how the world is shaky since then and how many transitions has happened already… 2020-2030 are very transformational astrologically speaking and what’s more, these energies seems to be aligned with political/elites plans as well (google: Agenda 2030, WHO Treaty, WEF, Klaus Schwab and look how the arguments related to health, ecology and digital progress can be (are already?) used to implement more and more control to our society…) Moon is in Capricorn (old system) in union with Pluto (transformation) heading towards Moon in Aquarius (new system) while I am writing this on November 18th 2023…

Self-Portrait / @ Jolie Art Photography

The era of capitalism, workaholism, beings obsessed with career is coming to an end with Pluto in Capricorn. Soon the intensity of Pluto will enter the sign of Aquarius, the sign of authenticity, freedom and uniqueness. From 2024 we will be experiencing 20 years of mind-blowing revolution of all that used to be traditional and stable. Many jobs will be replaced by machines.Time to focus on your individual development and build your foundation on your unique skills and talents that can’t be so easily replaced. May this Mars Cazimi help you to reset your energy, to remove all the activities that are not effective anymore and not aligned with who you truly are, and to connect to your passion, motivation and drive. This very intense, resistant Mars cycle will last for 2 years, together with Pluto in Aquarius and Jupiter in Gemini. The willpower of Scorpio can help us to stay focused on our goals while the world around might be shockingly transforming in front of our eyes for the next years…

Today, under the Mars Cazimi in powerful, determined and strategic Scorpio which rules our passions and deepest desires, remind yourself that “THE PROBLEM IS, YOU THINK YOU HAVE TIME”… We really don’t know how the future will look like, even if you are the most talented astrologer and the most informed politician you still can be wrong… Future is always unpredictable (hope we all have learned that already with Uranus being in Taurus for so many years?). And as nobody knows what exactly awaits us and how long our time on Earth will last, today when the planet of taking action based on your true desires meet the source of vitality and life, Sun, try to tap into what your soul craves the most. What gives you life, light, what sparks your inner fire, what brings you joy and makes you fall in love with your life. Find your unique way of living. Remove all the distractions and suggestions. Find the true, authentic answers inside of you.

Self-Portrait / @ Jolie Art Photography

Uranus in Taurus opposing this Mars Cazimi in Scorpio is waking us up to change, rebellion and revolution. Depending where is that in your natal chart, different areas of your life can be under the high, irresistible need or even pressure to change. This is a turning point for our action (Mars). Mars Cazimi happens every 2 years restarting the energy of drive, passion, motivation and anger. Your today’s frustrations can be a powerful tool and trampoline to a radical change. You know the feeling when you hit rock bottom and at some point you become so tired of being there that you stand up and fight for a change? “Rock bottom can be our greatest teacher—as long as we don't stay there for too long.” ― Kristen Butler quote.

Sometimes rock bottom is your trampoline. When you have nothing left to loose it is when you have the biggest courage to start something new and risky. With Scorpio energy we often have to hit our lowest point in order to open up to the greatest change. This Mars Cazimi can bring existential crisis for some of you, especially to those who went through huge transformation, losses and endings in the last 2 years with SN in Scorpio. This is how Scorpio transforms us - by first making us go through intense feelings, endings, sorrow… This is the alchemy of shadow into light, the transformation of grief and pain into the will to change that vibration into your biggest power, strength and evolution. “When you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up”

Self-Portrait / @ Jolie Art Photography

Scorpio carries the energy of MEMENTO MORI - remember you are going to die. This message can be scary but also very motivational - it’s up to you how you want to use this undeniable fact that this journey will end one day and what’s more, you have no idea when. Isn’t this the most motivating reminder pushing you to use your lifetime wisely and beautifully? The fact that you will not be here, in this form, in this life, forever? Everything has a deadline, expire date, limitations. So what are we waiting for?

May this Mars Cazimi remind you that every ending brings a new beginning, that you are here to follow your true passions, that your natural talents are worthy and can be used to contribute beautifully to the world, that true value of your efforts and work is not necessarily reflected in the material realm but in how your presence in this world is making it a better place. Scorpio is showing us that although material values are easily fading away - your body gets older, your home or car can be anytime taken away from you by nature disasters or accidents, the money on your bank account can loose the value due to inflation… Uranus in Taurus keeps surprising us in this physical realm… Right now when I am writing Iceland is facing possible volcano eruption that can destroy the entire town… We all leave on a shaky, unstable ground… Yet, there are also values which are not so easy to be stolen from you or destroyed: your memories, your experiences, your feelings, your spiritual development, your wisdom, your skills and talents. That’s why I always repeat - the best investment is the investment in yourself.

Self-Portrait / @ Jolie Art Photography

These are my free reflections that came to me under this Mars Cazimi in Scorpio energy, having myself Venus in Scorpio conjunct Pluto as chart ruler sitting in the 2 house of values… All my life, but especially those last 2 years of Eclipses and South Node in Scorpio brought me lessons of “what truly matters in life” and showed me many times how the material realm and life itself is really fragile, temporary, easy to loose… All the Memento Mori experiences helped me many times to fully tap into the Carpe Diem energy. Hope my Self-Portraits added to this article reflect the ups and downs of this journey and leave you with hope and motivation.

May those words help you to find out in all this shaking, transformative time for humanity… what is that you truly, really value? What do you want to pour your energy into in the next 2 years? This Mars Cazimi trines Neptune in Pisces which rules dreams. Reflect how do you wish your life to look like? What is your dream life? What you can do to create that dream life in reality? Mars is action and initiative - focus on what you can DO. Listen to your heart but also put the effort. Dream big and do bigger with Saturn being in Pisces for the next 2 years, helping us to make our dreams come true.

Many are on the crossroads now. Give yourself time. Feel your feelings. Ground yourself to balance this restlessness of Uranus opposing Mars. I am wishing you good luck with finding out what is your next direction and creating a practical strategy to live your life according to your values, talents and uniqueness! May these rock bottom quotes inspire you on this Mars Cazimi which can feel like Phoenix raising from the aches for some of you:

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” ― J.K. Rowling

“Once you hit rock bottom, that’s where you perfectly stand; That’s your chance of restarting, but restarting the right way.”- Justin Kanayurak

“Hitting bottom and hitting it hard was the worst thing that ever happened to me and the best thing that ever happened to me.”- Dave Ramsey

“Rock bottom is a gift for those who know a Phoenix must have ashes to rise.”

“The view from rock bottom is often the reason, the inspiration, for getting back up.”

What you call rock bottom I call a new birth.”

Self-Portrait / @ Jolie Art Photography

SUPPORT ME: If you value what I do and my work helps you, you can but me a cup of tea via PayPal DONATION as an energy exchange. I appreciate it a lot!

BOOK YOUR PERSONAL READING: If you need help in reading your chart I am still open for new bookings and as I am also on the crossroads right now and I don’t know if I will be available for more astrology sessions in the near future so hurry up while I am still here: OFFER


Jolanta, Soulight Space

See more of my photos: Jolie Art Photography


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